Memory Text:
“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being” (Psalms 104:33).
1. Devotion in Worship: Genuine worship goes beyond mere ritual; it involves a heartfelt commitment to honor and serve God throughout one's life.
It's a response to God's grace and power, prompting believers to ask what they can offer in return (Psalms 104:33; Psalms 116:12). This lifelong devotion shapes our actions, attitudes, and
2. Communal Worship: While personal worship is vital, communal worship amplifies the believer's experience. The gathering of believers in worship
not only fosters unity and encouragement but also serves as a powerful testimony to the world (Psalms 22:22; Psalms 111:1). Together, believers strengthen and edify one another, reflecting the
diverse facets of God's character.
3. Blessing as Worship: Worship involves more than praise and thanksgiving; it encompasses acknowledging God's sovereignty and faithfulness.
Blessing God in the sanctuary signifies the covenantal relationship between God and His people, where blessings flow both ways (Psalms 134:1-3; Numbers 6:24-26). This reciprocal exchange deepens
intimacy with God and reinforces trust in His promises.
4. Servanthood in Worship: Worshipers are portrayed as servants of the Lord, demonstrating continual devotion and reverence in His presence (Psalms
134:1; Psalms 113:1). This imagery highlights the humility and commitment required in worship, emphasizing the believer's role in stewarding God's gifts and serving His purposes
5. Priestly Role: Believers are likened to a holy priesthood, called to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (1 Peter
2:4-5). This priestly role extends beyond personal devotion to actively proclaiming the gospel and ministering to others. As mediators of God's grace, believers embody Christ's love and proclaim
His salvation to a world in need.
Discussion Questions with Answers:
1. What is the significance of communal worship in contrast to individual
Communal worship fosters unity among believers and bears witness to the world of God's glory and love. It strengthens the faith community, provides mutual encouragement, and reflects the diverse expressions of God's character and work in the lives of His people.
2. How does the concept of blessing as worship deepen our understanding of God's covenant with His people?
Blessing God in worship acknowledges His sovereignty and faithfulness in fulfilling His promises to His people. It underscores the reciprocal nature of the covenant,
where God blesses His people abundantly, and they respond with gratitude and praise, deepening their intimacy with Him.
3. In what ways can believers effectively fulfill their priestly role in mediating the gospel to the world?
Believers fulfill their priestly role by embodying the gospel through their actions, words, and attitudes. They demonstrate Christ's love, compassion, and
forgiveness in their interactions with others, actively proclaiming the message of salvation and reconciliation through Him. As ambassadors of Christ, believers engage in holistic ministry,
addressing both spiritual and physical needs in their communities.
TITLE: Sing to the Lord a New Song
1. The Motif of a "New Song": The concept of singing a "new song" recurs throughout various Psalms, indicating a fresh expression of praise and
gratitude to God for His majesty, sovereignty, care, and salvation (Psalms 33:3; Psalms 40:3; Psalms 96:1; Psalms 98:1; Psalms 144:9; Psalms 149:1). This "new song" arises from a renewed
experience of divine deliverance and inspires devotion and trust in God.
2. The Significance of a "New Song": The "new song" symbolizes a unique and personal testimony of God's grace and salvation in one's life. It may
depict a fresh song that commemorates a vivid experience of God's intervention or expresses hope in anticipation of future encounters with God's majesty (Isaiah 42:10-12; Psalms 148:14). True
worship involves continually offering heartfelt expressions of love and appreciation to God.
3. Dynamic Worship: Genuine worship extends beyond ritualistic practices and reflects a living relationship with God. Each "new song" represents a
daily, fresh expression of love and gratitude for God's blessings and works in one's life (Isaiah 42:10-12; Psalms 149:1). It emphasizes the dynamic nature of worship, where believers continually
grow in their understanding of God's goodness and respond with ever-renewed praise.
4. Renewed Devotion and Trust: Singing a "new song" signifies a fresh outpouring of devotion and trust in God's character and faithfulness. It
emerges from a place of gratitude for past deliverance and anticipation of future encounters with God's majesty. Through the "new song," believers express their unwavering confidence in God's
sovereignty and care over their lives (Psalms 33:3; Psalms 40:3; Psalms 96:1; Psalms 98:1; Psalms 144:9; Psalms 149:1).
1. What is the significance of singing a "new song" in worship?
Answer: Singing a "new song" signifies a fresh expression of praise and gratitude to God, reflecting renewed experiences of His grace and
salvation in one's life (Psalms 40:3; Psalms 144:9). It emphasizes the dynamic nature of worship, where believers continually grow in their relationship with God and respond with ever-renewed
2. How does the concept of a "new song" reflect believers' unique testimonies and experiences with God?
Answer: The "new song" represents believers' unique testimonies of God's intervention, deliverance, and provision in their lives (Isaiah 42:10-12).
It serves as a personal expression of gratitude and hope, commemorating individual encounters with God's majesty and sovereignty. As believers reflect on
God's blessings and goodness, their "new songs" reflect the ongoing journey of faith and relationship with Him.
3. What blessings in your life would inspire you to sing a "new song" of praise to God?
Answer: Reflecting on God's blessings in my life, I would sing a "new song" of gratitude for His faithfulness, provision, and guidance. This song
would celebrate His unwavering love, the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, the support of family and friends, and the countless moments of grace and mercy I've experienced. It would be a
song of joyful surrender, acknowledging God's sovereignty and goodness in every aspect of my life.
TITLE: Lord, Who May Abide in Your Tabernacle?
1. Requirements for Worshiping in God's Presence: Psalm 15 outlines the qualities of those worthy to worship in God's presence, emphasizing
holiness, integrity, and righteousness as prerequisites for entering the sanctuary (Psalms 15:1-5). These requirements are not about earning God's favor but about reflecting God's character in
both actions and attitudes.
2. The Significance of Holiness: Holiness is central to worship and encompasses a life of completeness, integrity, and purity before God (Psalms
24:3-6; Psalms 101:1-3). It involves seeking God wholeheartedly, living in submission to His Word, and being restored by His grace and forgiveness.
3. Living in the Fear of the Lord: True holiness springs from an acknowledgment of God's grace and righteousness, leading to a life of devotion and
piety (Psalms 15:4). It involves living in unhindered fellowship with God and avoiding behaviors that separate us from Him.
1. How can we make conscious choices to avoid the things that push us away from God? What are some of those things, and how can we avoid doing
Answer: Making conscious choices involves cultivating self-awareness and discernment through prayer,
meditation on Scripture, and accountability within a community of believers. Some behaviors that push us away from God include dishonesty, injustice, gossip, and pride (Psalms 15:3-5). To avoid
them, we can regularly examine our hearts and motives, confessing sin and seeking God's strength to overcome temptations. Additionally, surrounding ourselves with godly influences and practicing
spiritual disciplines such as fasting and solitude can help us stay focused on God and His ways.
2. What does it mean to be holy according to the Scriptures provided?
Answer: According to the Scriptures, holiness entails completeness, integrity, and purity before God
(Psalms 24:3-6; Psalms 101:1-3). It involves having a "perfect heart," which is undivided in its devotion to God and characterized by truthfulness and integrity. Holiness also includes seeking
God wholeheartedly and living in submission to His Word, allowing His grace to transform us and restore us to a right relationship with Him.
3. Why are most of the requirements in Psalm 15 given in negative terms?
Answer: The negative formulation of requirements in Psalm 15 serves to highlight the importance of
avoiding behaviors that hinder our relationship with God (Psalms 15:3-5). It emphasizes the need for repentance and self-examination, reminding us that true holiness involves not only
doing what is right but also abstaining from what is wrong. This approach underscores the seriousness of sin and the necessity of living in obedience to God's
TITLE: Declare His Glory Among the Nations
1. Manifold Aspects of Worship: Psalm 96:1-13 presents various facets of worship, including singing, praising, proclaiming
God's goodness and greatness, bringing gifts, and evangelizing by proclaiming God's kingdom to all nations (Psalms 96:1-13).
2. Recognition of God's Identity: Worship springs from recognizing God as Creator, King, and Judge (Psalms 96:5; Psalms
96:10; Psalms 96:13). It involves remembering God's past acts, celebrating His present wonders, and anticipating His future deeds, including judgment and restoration (Psalms 96:5; Psalms
3. Dual Nature of Worship: Worship encompasses both immense joy and confidence, as well as holy fear and awe (Psalms 96:1-2;
Psalms 96:4; Psalms 96:9; Psalms 96:11-13). It reflects the believer's deep reverence for God's righteousness and sovereignty, balanced with the assurance of His salvation and ultimate
4. Universal Appeal of Worship: Psalm 96 emphasizes the universal appeal of worship, inviting all peoples and nations to
join in honoring God. The psalmist calls for the earth to declare God's glory, recognizing His sovereignty over all creation. Worship is not confined to a particular people or place but extends
to every corner of the earth, uniting diverse cultures and languages in praising the Lord (Psalms 96:1-13).
1. How does Psalm 96:1-13 illustrate the interconnectedness of worship and evangelism?
Answer: Psalm 96 demonstrates that worship and evangelism are intertwined aspects of the believer's
response to God. Worship involves not only praising and honoring God but also proclaiming His greatness and kingdom to all nations (Psalms 96:1-13). The proclamation of God's salvation to others
gives substance to worship and aligns with the message of evangelism, aiming to unite all peoples in the worship of the Lord (Psalms 96:3-4; Psalms 96:10-13).
2. How does Psalm 96 emphasize the importance of recognizing God's identity in worship?
Answer: Psalm 96 underscores the significance of recognizing God as Creator, King, and Judge in worship
(Psalms 96:5; Psalms 96:10; Psalms 96:13). Worship involves remembering God's past acts of creation, celebrating His present reign, and anticipating His future judgment and restoration (Psalms
96:5; Psalms 96:10-13). This recognition forms the foundation of worship, inspiring both reverence and confidence in God's righteousness and sovereignty.
3. In what ways does Psalm 96 reflect the themes of the three angels' messages in Revelation 14:6-12?
Answer: Psalm 96 shares common themes with the three angels' messages in Revelation 14:6-12, including
the proclamation of God's kingdom to all nations (Psalms 96:3-4; Revelation 14:6-7), the call to worship the Creator (Psalms 96:5; Revelation 14:7), and the anticipation of God's judgment and
restoration (Psalms 96:10-13; Revelation 14:7-12). Both passages emphasize the universal appeal of worshiping God and adhering to His righteous standards, urging believers to proclaim His message
of salvation and judgment to the world.
TITLE: When God Does Not Delight in Sacrifices
1. Spirituality over Rituals: The texts in Psalms 40, 50, and 51 address the issue of the disconnect between outward acts of
worship and inner spirituality. They emphasize that God is not pleased with sacrifices alone but desires genuine repentance, faith, and righteousness from His people (Psalms 40:6-8; Psalms
50:7-23; Psalms 51:16-19).
2. Vain Sacrifices: The psalmists critique not the act of sacrifice itself, but rather the offering of sacrifices devoid of true
repentance and righteousness. God condemns the hypocrisy of those who engage in religious rituals without genuine devotion and obedience in their hearts (Psalms 50:8; Psalms 50:17-21).
3. Inner Motivation in Worship: The breakdown of unity between outward worship and inner motivation leads to a form of empty
worship where rituals become more important than genuine communion with God. The psalmists highlight the importance of sincere devotion and repentance as the essence of true worship (Psalms 50:8;
Psalms 51:17).
4. Jesus' Teaching: Jesus echoes the sentiment of the psalmists in John 4:23-24, emphasizing the importance of worshiping God in
spirit and truth rather than through mere external observance. He challenges the notion that rituals alone suffice for genuine worship, underscoring the need for heartfelt devotion and sincerity
in worship.
1. How do the Psalms caution against the danger of performing religious rituals without genuine spirituality?
o Answer: The Psalms warn against the danger of offering sacrifices and engaging in religious rituals devoid of true repentance,
faith, and righteousness. God desires sincerity and inner devotion rather than empty observance of rituals (Psalms 40:6-8; Psalms 50:7-23; Psalms 51:16-19). They highlight the importance of
aligning outward acts of worship with genuine spirituality.
2. What is the significance of Jesus' statement in Matthew 15:8 in relation to the theme of empty worship discussed in the
o Answer: Jesus' statement in Matthew 15:8 parallels the message of the Psalms regarding the emptiness of worship devoid of
genuine devotion. He criticizes those who honor God with their lips but whose hearts are far from Him, highlighting the importance of inner sincerity in
worship. This aligns with the psalmists' emphasis on the necessity of genuine repentance and righteousness in worship (Psalms 50:8; Psalms 51:17).
3. How can Adventists ensure that they avoid falling into the trap of ritualistic worship without genuine
o Answer: Adventists must prioritize cultivating a sincere relationship with God characterized by genuine repentance, faith, and
obedience. Merely going through the motions of religious rituals without true devotion is insufficient. Regular self-examination, prayerful reflection, and a commitment to living out the
principles of truth are essential in guarding against ritualistic worship devoid of genuine spirituality (Psalms 51:16-19).
TITLE: Further Study
1. True Repentance in Worship: Ellen G. White emphasizes the centrality of true repentance in worship. Genuine repentance involves
not only sorrow for sin but also a heartfelt turning away from it. Mere outward reformation driven by fear of consequences does not constitute true repentance. Esau, Balaam, and Judas Iscariot
serve as examples of individuals who lamented the outcomes of their actions but did not truly repent (A Call to Stand Apart, pp. 39–42).
2. Worship in Spirit and Truth: Worship is not confined to physical locations but involves the presence of God among His people.
However, genuine worship requires sincere hearts and genuine repentance. God seeks worshipers who approach Him in spirit and truth, with hearts fully devoted to Him (Prophets and Kings, p.
3. Offering Ourselves to God: The worshiper's greatest offering to God is not external rituals or sacrifices but a surrendered
life. Both Psalms 40:6-10 and Romans 12:1-2 emphasize the concept of presenting ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is our true spiritual worship.
4. Worship as a Pleasure: Ellen G. White encourages viewing worship as a joyful experience rather than a burdensome duty. Worship
should be a pleasure, a delight in honoring and serving the Lord. By approaching worship with a joyful heart and a spirit of gratitude, believers can find fulfillment and joy in their service to
God (Steps to Christ, p. 103).
1. What is the worshiper’s greatest offering to God (Psalms 40:6-10; Romans 12:1-2)?
o Answer: The worshiper's greatest offering to God is themselves—a surrendered life dedicated to His service. In Psalms 40:6-10
and Romans 12:1-2, we are called to present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This entails offering our entire being—body, mind, and spirit—as an act of worship.
2. How are individual and communal worship related? Why do we really need both? How does each one enhance the other?
o Answer: Individual and communal worship are intertwined and mutually beneficial. Individual worship involves personal devotion,
prayer, and study of God's Word, nurturing a deep personal relationship with God. Communal worship, on the other hand, fosters fellowship, accountability, and collective praise. Both forms of
worship complement each other, with individual worship nurturing personal spirituality and communal worship strengthening the bonds of unity and corporate worship experience.
3. Many people understand worship to pertain only to prayer, singing of hymns, and study of the Bible and spiritual literature. While these
activities are essential for worship, is worship limited to them? Give some examples of other forms of worship.
o Answer: Worship extends beyond traditional religious activities to encompass all aspects of life. Examples of other forms of
worship include acts of service, acts of kindness, stewardship of resources, and daily living in alignment with God's principles. Expressing gratitude, seeking justice, and promoting
reconciliation are also forms of worship that glorify God.
4. Ellen G. White wrote: “His service should not be looked upon as a heart-saddening, distressing exercise. It should be a pleasure to
worship the Lord and to take part in His work.”—Steps to Christ, p. 103. How can worship of the Lord become a pleasure?
o Answer: Worship of the Lord becomes a pleasure when approached with a heart of gratitude, joy, and reverence. Recognizing God's
love, grace, and goodness in our lives fills us with joy and motivates us to worship Him wholeheartedly. Engaging in acts of worship with a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and anticipation of
God's presence transforms worship into a joyful experience. Additionally, cultivating a deeper understanding of God's character and His desire for fellowship with His people enhances the pleasure
of worship.
Sulad Jhun Cardeinte writes from Thailand. His email address is acardeinte@aiias.edu
Follow his FB page: Adventist ToolBoX
To read the previous blog articles, go to SULADS Thailand website and click blog section. Direct link below; https://www.suladsthailand.com/blog-1/
Write a comment
Shadrack ayoy (Thursday, 21 March 2024 05:51)
Congratulations to the developers
May God bless them and lead them well.
Strategy (Thursday, 21 March 2024 05:51)
Some more lesson
Betty Noah (Thursday, 21 March 2024 06:04)
Thank-you for this week's lesson
Amos kemboi (Thursday, 21 March 2024 06:15)
God bless you for the wonderful work your doing.
Elvis Maroko (Thursday, 21 March 2024 06:54)
My prayer that God help us sing and understand the new song to sing
Hannah Yeboah (Thursday, 21 March 2024 07:17)
Thanks so much for the wonderful lessons . God bless you
Annah (Thursday, 21 March 2024 07:38)
I need lesson
Irmala (Thursday, 21 March 2024 07:44)
Powerful sabbath school
Nganai stephen (Thursday, 21 March 2024 09:13)
Thanks alot,wounderful messege,may mighty God gives more wisdom..to know him,trust him in all life..
JOSPHAT CHILIMINA- (Thursday, 21 March 2024 09:53)
This is wonderful it helps in picking relevant points.....keep it up!
Nkulumo Gambiza (Thursday, 21 March 2024 10:35)
May the good Lord be with
N Gambiza (Thursday, 21 March 2024 10:40)
May our good Lord be with you all
Chapani Phillip (Thursday, 21 March 2024 11:54)
Thank you for the good lesson, may the good Lord richly bless you.
Gibson (Thursday, 21 March 2024 16:03)
This is a wonderful study material
rolando pagpaguitan (Thursday, 21 March 2024 17:24)
kung tau ay mananampalataya sa dios andyan lagi yong pagpaalala natin sa dios
Sibanda Percia (Friday, 22 March 2024)
Understanding the lesson has been so easy.May God give you more wisdom.
Kokoko (Friday, 22 March 2024 06:49)
I'm so blessed
ephraim (Friday, 22 March 2024 06:57)
Delmar (Friday, 22 March 2024 07:16)
Happy sabbath i would like to ask how to download the sabbathschool pointers
Lol Gach Kuarbang (Friday, 22 March 2024 07:16)
Wonderful lesson that show us to worshipping into it's extend
Osen (Friday, 22 March 2024 07:59)
That's good lesson we have to sing a new song to God what ever we are praising him who made heaven and earth.
Cliff (Friday, 22 March 2024 08:12)
Powerful lesson indeed
Elenoa Likutabua (Friday, 22 March 2024 08:24)
Thank you for the beautiful lessons.
Anhomanguala (Friday, 22 March 2024 14:10)
Great topic
Happy Phillip (Friday, 22 March 2024 14:56)
Be blessed God servants
How can I download the teacher's pointer?
louis cardens (Friday, 22 March 2024 20:15)
thank you
Joel cordeta (Friday, 22 March 2024 20:42)
Thank you so much and HAPPY SABBATH
Raymond Abua (Friday, 22 March 2024 21:08)
Thank you very much my beautiful Gods love people. Happy Sabbath
Pr Hercules Oruko (Friday, 22 March 2024 23:55)
Thanks for the detailed information in the study guide God bless you.
MESHACK -(TANZANIA) (Saturday, 23 March 2024 00:01)
I have blessed effectively through the detailed lessons,be blessed
Asante Francis (Kumasi -Ghana (Saturday, 23 March 2024 00:36)
God bless you
Christine (Saturday, 23 March 2024 01:27)
Thank you for the wonderful lesson.
Mujuni Naboth (Saturday, 23 March 2024 01:34)
May God bless u
Haroon Nelly (Saturday, 23 March 2024 08:55)
We long for that worship that never ends.
Emmanuel Adams (Saturday, 23 March 2024 09:15)
Powerful Sabbath school
Grace Kumpson (Saturday, 23 March 2024 19:38)
Thank you �
All for God's gain and glory �
Cathy aisa (Tuesday, 09 April 2024 09:05)
Thank you God for your message of blessed great hope.