“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7
We are reminded that our journey in life is guided by faith, not by what we can see. It's like trusting in something even though we can't see it clearly. It's important to trust God, especially
when we remember His love shown through Jesus. By keeping our focus on Jesus and praying with faith, we can tap into His strength and blessings. If we could express our faith more and be thankful
for what we have, we'd find ourselves more cheerful and strong every day. Ellen White says, “When we comply with the Written Word then we are to walk by faith. We dishonor God when we fail to
trust Him after He has given such wonderful evidence of His compassionate love in the gift of His Son. We are to keep looking to Jesus, offering up our prayers in faith, taking hold of His
strength. If we would give more expression to our faith, rejoice more in the blessings that we know we have, we would daily have great cheerfulness and strength.” Manuscript 75, 1893.
Our feelings and faith are different things. Faith doesn't rely on how we feel. Instead of constantly checking if we feel a certain way, we should simply trust that God accepts us and understands
our efforts to follow Him. Just as parents gladly give good things to their children, God is even more willing to give us what we need when we ask in faith. Even when we're feeling down, we can
still find joy by praising God in our hearts. This lifts the gloom and brings us into the warmth of God's presence.
“Feeling and faith are as distinct from each other as the east is from the west. Faith is not dependent on feeling. Daily we should dedicate ourselves to God, and believe that Christ understands
and accepts the sacrifice, without examining ourselves to see if we have that degree of feeling that we think should correspond with our faith. Have we not the assurance that our heavenly Father
is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him in faith than parents are to give good gifts to their children? We should go forward as if to every prayer that we send to the throne
of God we heard the response from the One whose promises never fail. Even when depressed by sadness it is our privilege to make melody in our hearts to God. When we do this the mists and clouds
will be rolled back and we will pass from the shadow and darkness into the clear sunshine of His presence.” Our High Calling, 120
If we focused more on growing our faith, love, patience, and trust in God, we'd find more peace and happiness despite life's challenges. God doesn't want us to stress and worry; He wants us to lean on Him for everything. Jesus promises to never abandon us, so we should hold onto His words, believe His promises, and find joy in them day and night.
Reflection Questions:
1. How do you differentiate between faith and feelings in your own life?
2. Do you find it easy or difficult to trust in God's promises when you can't see the outcome?
3. Can you think of a time when relying on faith helped you through a tough situation?
Write a comment
Dorothy Nga (Saturday, 11 May 2024 16:30)
Thankyou for this wonderful Word of God,yes I've seen God works in my life through some difficult situation I went through,and faith was my only shield that helped me overcome it.
Ruot Gatdor Kuol (Saturday, 11 May 2024 16:37)
Hello sir /madam how are you doing
Happy Sabbath
EVANS AYIAH GYAN (Saturday, 11 May 2024 17:10)
Frank Moiyap (Saturday, 11 May 2024 17:17)
I'm very bless with this message..which now faith is key strength of us believers
Amanda (Saturday, 11 May 2024 17:54)
My husband was captured, and it was my faith in Christ that carried me threw and my faith grew as I trusted God, I stand on His promises always
Karen Ann (Saturday, 11 May 2024 18:05)
Praise be to God for constantly reminding and encouraging us. ♥️
Onismo.makura@gmail.com. Sunday @01:31 (Saturday, 11 May 2024 18:32)
Thank you for reminding this that really feeling is not faith
Nove (Saturday, 11 May 2024 19:31)
Thank you for sharing this wonderful message. Very timely because this is what I feel right now. I have to keep my faith to God and trust Him more. Thank you and God bless you and those who reads this. �
Praise Hapazari (Saturday, 11 May 2024 21:41)
Thank you for the wonderful message. We have to rely more on Him n His word. As christians we have to keep our faith n live with hope
Choongo gift mweemba (Sunday, 12 May 2024 00:47)
Thank you so much for the powerful words of encouragement
May good lord bless you and us too
Have a wonderful day �
Geven Godfrey Elijah (Sunday, 12 May 2024 02:28)
For the powerful message. May the name of the Lord be praise
Gure'ahafo Tumae (Sunday, 12 May 2024)
I am so blessed by this lovely message. Faith runs deep and endures. Feelings can be so misleading and are superficial.
Thank You, Lord.
Ruthlaza (Monday, 13 May 2024 02:22)
Just feeling humble and confession every day,is just clearing the way out ..