Hope After the Fall

"I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel." Genesis 3:15

This is the first prophecy in the Bible, hinting at redemption. Although it was part of the punishment given to the serpent, Adam and Eve heard it too. Therefore, it must be seen as a promise. It speaks of a battle between Satan and humans but also says that Satan’s power will eventually be broken.
Adam and Eve were like criminals in front of God, waiting for their punishment for disobeying Him. Before they heard about the hard life they would now have—thorns, thistles, sorrow, and death—they heard something that gave them hope. They would suffer because of Satan, but they could also look forward to winning in the end.

God said, “I will put enmity.” This means that God would make humans and Satan enemies. When Adam and Eve sinned, their nature became evil, and they were friends with Satan. Satan, who had already led angels away from God, thought he had won humans to his side as well. The fallen angels and Satan were united in their hatred against God. But when Satan heard that the woman's Seed would crush his head, he realized that God would somehow restore humans and help them fight back against him.
“It is the grace that Christ implants in the soul that creates the enmity against Satan. Without this grace we would continue to be the captives of Satan, servants ever ready to do his bidding. The new principle in the soul creates conflict where hitherto had been peace. The power which Christ imparts enables us to resist the tyrant and usurper. Whenever men and women are seen to abhor sin instead of loving it, when they resist and conquer those passions that have held sway within, there is seen the operation of a principle wholly from above.” The Review and Herald, July 18, 1882.

The grace that Jesus gives us is what makes us hate Satan. Without this grace, we would still be Satan’s captives, ready to do whatever he wants. The new principle in our hearts creates a fight where there was once peace. The power Jesus gives us helps us resist and defeat Satan. When people start to hate sin and overcome the wrong desires within them, it shows that God is at work in their hearts.
Reflection Questions:
1. How does the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 give hope to humanity despite the fall?
2. Why is the enmity between humans and Satan considered a gift from God?
3. In what ways can we see the grace of Christ at work in our lives today?
4. How can understanding this prophecy strengthen your faith in God's ultimate victory over evil?
5. What are some practical steps you can take to resist sin and grow in your relationship with God?

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Comments: 27
  • #1

    Joseph Bobby (Saturday, 01 June 2024 20:22)

    Thank you I'm so blessed with messages

  • #2

    Stanley (Saturday, 01 June 2024 21:07)

    Thankfully acknowledges

  • #3

    Crosbery Shimuunza (Saturday, 01 June 2024 21:28)

    Thanks for the prophetic insight that gives hope to fallen humanity

  • #4

    Zanele (Saturday, 01 June 2024 22:25)

    Thank you for the message of hope.

  • #5

    Patience Charura (Saturday, 01 June 2024 22:38)

    Thank you for the word it heals the wounds in the heart

  • #6

    Daniel Kiago (Saturday, 01 June 2024 22:39)

    Amen, Jesus fulfilled this prophecy on the cross at Calvary mountain and paid the ransom of sin for us. Now through Christ we have a blessed hope. Mbarikiwe.

  • #7

    Gracelinda Chemsto (Saturday, 01 June 2024 23:00)

    It's a blessing we have hope,amen

  • #8

    MUSA MWAIFWANI (Saturday, 01 June 2024 23:07)

    Thanks for the message remind us that we are still in the battle and we should to win.....

  • #9

    Baraka mnyaga (Saturday, 01 June 2024 23:23)

    Thank you for reminding us about the enemity between us and Satan through the holly bible, God bless you

  • #10

    Ben Mwanza (Saturday, 01 June 2024 23:28)

    A Loving God who cares about fallen humanity.
    A message of great hope and plan of redemption laid down. Almighty God worth to be praised

  • #11

    Eunice (Saturday, 01 June 2024 23:32)

    This was amazing

  • #12

    Tendai (Saturday, 01 June 2024 23:50)

    Thank you for such a powerful message

  • #13

    Kihero (Saturday, 01 June 2024 23:50)

    Inspiring message

  • #14

    Thon Isaac (Saturday, 01 June 2024 23:57)

    I'm so grateful to our father in heaven for giving humans another chance and victory through our loving savior Jesus Christ to him be glory now and forevermore Amen.

  • #15

    Karen (Sunday, 02 June 2024 00:03)

    Thank you for those thought provoking questions at the end of the devotion. In Jesus we have the victory.

  • #16

    Mike siamaluba (Sunday, 02 June 2024 00:11)

    Thanks for the massage of salvation

  • #17

    James Kinyanjui (Sunday, 02 June 2024 00:49)

    Thank you for the good message

  • #18

    Amanda (Sunday, 02 June 2024 01:22)

    Thank you Pastor for this. O, I am excited to all your messages, I screenshot them all. God always had a plan, we serve a wonderful God.

  • #19

    George Okeyo (Sunday, 02 June 2024 01:23)

    Thanks for the wonderful gift.

  • #20

    Leonard lerionka (Sunday, 02 June 2024 01:32)

    I am very excited with this prophetic in creation

  • #21

    Leslie Hwata (Sunday, 02 June 2024 02:17)

    Thanks You Very Much,

  • #22

    Kerumz Willie (Sunday, 02 June 2024 03:12)

    Thank you so much, I'm glad and blessed with this article (massage),may God be with you all.

  • #23

    Maroko Elvis (Sunday, 02 June 2024 04:12)

    Amen be blessed

  • #24

    Abraham (Sunday, 02 June 2024 04:43)

    Thank you for the word. Please keep up the good work

  • #25

    Marory (Sunday, 02 June 2024 12:14)

    We thank God for the grace granted to us. The battle is still on, May we be open to listen the holy spirit as it convict and lead us to Christ's righteousness. Amen

  • #26

    Gibson Ume (Sunday, 02 June 2024 20:07)

    Thank you very much may Almighty continue to inspire you with His word.�

  • #27

    Mathew Simiyu (Sunday, 02 June 2024 22:34)

    Amen. Indeed there is hope to win at the end, when we co-operate with God.