2024 QUARTER 2
“And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer” (Revelation 12:7-8).
1. The Great Controversy Theme: The central theme running through the Bible is the great controversy between good and evil, which began with Lucifer's rebellion against God in heaven.
2. God's Love as the Central Issue: At the heart of the great controversy is the question of God's love and His intentions towards His creatures. The conflict challenges whether God is truly loving and has the best interests of His creation in mind.
3. Progressive Revelation of God's Love: Throughout history, God's love is progressively revealed as the great controversy unfolds. The pinnacle of this revelation is seen through the Cross, where Christ's sacrifice displays God's love for humanity and secures Satan's defeat.
4. Continuation of the Battle: Despite Christ's victory on the Cross, the battle between good and evil continues. Satan persistently attempts to destroy God's people, yet God remains present with them, never abandoning them.
5. Historical Perspectives: The lessons will trace major developments in the great controversy, from Lucifer's rebellion to the persecution faced by early Christians and the courage of the Reformers who upheld biblical truths.
6. Role of Scripture and Faith: Throughout history, faithful individuals have relied on the authority of the Bible to uphold truth, even at the cost of their lives. Faith in God and His Word sustained them through persecution and martyrdom.
7. Advent Movement and Final Events: The Seventh-day Adventist Church is seen as part of God's plan to restore biblical truths lost over time. Its mission includes proclaiming the three angels' messages of Revelation and anticipating the culmination of the great controversy.
Discussion Questions:
1. Origin of Evil: What insights does the Bible provide regarding the origin of evil, particularly in relation to Lucifer's rebellion in heaven?
Answer: The Bible reveals that sin originated with Lucifer's pride and desire for worship that belonged only to God. Despite his initial perfection, Lucifer's free choice led him to rebel against God, initiating the great controversy.
2. God's Response to Rebellion: How does God's response to Lucifer's rebellion in heaven reflect His character of love and justice?
Answer: God demonstrated patience and love by pleading with Lucifer and presenting the greatness and justice of His law. However, He also displayed justice by not allowing rebellion to persist in heaven, ultimately casting out Lucifer and his followers.
3. Progressive Revelation of God's Love: In what ways do historical events, such as Christ's sacrifice on the Cross and the perseverance of martyrs, reveal God's love amidst the great controversy?
Answer: Historical events, particularly Christ's sacrifice, demonstrate the depth of God's love for humanity and His commitment to defeating evil. Despite ongoing challenges and persecution, God's love remains evident in His continued presence with His people.
4. Role of Faith and Scripture: How did faith in God and reliance on Scripture sustain individuals such as the Reformers and early Adventists amidst persecution and martyrdom?
Answer: Faith in God and His Word provided strength and courage for individuals facing persecution. They relied on Scripture to uphold truth and remained steadfast in their convictions, even in the face of adversity.
5. God's Character in Dealing with Evil: What lessons can be drawn about God's character from His actions in response to evil throughout history?
Answer: God's response to evil reflects His unwavering commitment to love and justice. Despite the presence of evil, God's actions demonstrate His patience, mercy, and ultimate triumph over darkness, revealing His character as loving, just, and sovereign.
1. Lucifer's Deception and Rebellion: Lucifer, once a perfect angel, allowed pride and jealousy to corrupt his heart, leading to open rebellion against God. He accused God of injustice and infected other angels with doubts and accusations.
2. Satan's Deceptive Ability: Revelation 12:4 reveals Satan's skill in deceiving, as a third of the angels fell for his lies about God. His deception is evident in his ability to lead others astray and sow seeds of doubt.
3. War in Heaven: The war in heaven was not merely a conflict of ideas but included physical elements, leading to Satan and his angels being cast out. Every angel had to choose between following Jesus or Lucifer, illustrating the critical nature of the decision.
4. Human Choice in the Great Controversy: Humanity, created in God's image with the ability to reason and choose, plays a crucial role in the great controversy. Like the angels, we are called to respond to God's love and obey His commands by choosing to serve Him.
Discussion Questions:
1. Lessons from the Battle in Heaven: What lessons can we draw from the battle in heaven that relate to our own personal struggles with evil and temptation?
Answer: The battle in heaven highlights the importance of making choices aligned with God's will. Just as the angels had to choose between following Christ or Lucifer, we also face choices that determine our allegiance. It emphasizes the significance of discernment and steadfastness in resisting deception and remaining faithful to God.
2. Satan's Deceptive Tactics: If Satan was able to deceive righteous and holy heavenly beings, what does this say about his attempts to deceive us? How can we guard against his deceitful tactics?
Answer: Satan's ability to deceive heavenly beings underscores the subtlety and cunningness of his tactics. It warns us of the need for vigilance and discernment in recognizing his lies. Guarding against deception involves grounding ourselves in God's truth, cultivating a relationship with Him through prayer and study of Scripture, and relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance.
3. Human Responsibility in the Great Controversy: What role does human choice play in the great controversy between good and evil? How does our ability to reason and choose align with God's purposes in the ongoing cosmic conflict?
Answer: Human choice is central to the great controversy, as demonstrated by the angels' decision in heaven and humanity's response on earth. Our ability to reason and choose reflects God's image in us and presents opportunities for us to align ourselves with His will. It emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility in upholding truth, resisting evil, and advancing God's kingdom on earth.
Important Points:
1. Creation and Freedom of Choice: God created the earth perfectly, devoid of sin and evil, and gave Adam and Eve freedom of choice, just as He had done with Lucifer. He wanted genuine love and obedience, not robotic adherence.
2. Temptation and Fall: Satan deceived Eve at the tree of knowledge, enticing her with the promise of elevated knowledge and experience. Eve and later Adam succumbed to temptation, opening the door to sin, suffering, and death.
3. Consequences of Sin: Sin fundamentally separates humanity from God, leading to spiritual death and the pervasive effects of suffering, heartache, sickness, and disease on a sin-ravaged planet.
4. God's Promise and Provision: Despite Adam and Eve's fall, God gave them a promise of hope in Genesis 3:15, foretelling the eventual victory over sin through the offspring of the woman. He also initiated sacrificial offerings in Eden, symbolizing the future solution to the sin problem through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Discussion Questions:
1. Understanding Sin's Impact: What do Genesis 3:1-3; Romans 3:23; and Romans 5:12 reveal about the universal consequences of sin on the human race? How does sin affect individuals both spiritually and physically?
Answer: These texts highlight the pervasive nature of sin's consequences, affecting all humanity spiritually and leading to separation from God. Sin introduces suffering, sickness, and death into the world, impacting individuals physically and emotionally, ultimately stemming from rebellion against God.
2. God's Promise of Redemption: In Genesis 3:15, what promise did God give Adam and Eve after they sinned, and how does it offer hope in the midst of despair? How does this promise foreshadow the ultimate solution to the sin problem?
Answer: God's promise in Genesis 3:15 foretells the eventual victory over sin through the offspring of the woman, symbolizing the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. This promise offers hope by assuring humanity of God's plan for restoration and salvation despite the consequences of sin.
3. Symbolism of Sacrificial Offerings: What significance do the sacrificial offerings initiated by God in Eden hold in pointing forward to the solution to the sin problem? How does this practice anticipate the role of Jesus Christ as the ultimate sacrifice for sin?
Answer: The sacrificial offerings in Eden symbolize the need for atonement and the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of sin. They prefigure the role of Jesus Christ as the sacrificial Lamb of God, whose death provides redemption and reconciliation between humanity and God.
Important Points:
1. Promise of Redemption: Despite Adam and Eve's sin and expulsion from the garden, God gave them hope through the promise of a Redeemer, the "Seed of the woman," who would ultimately defeat Satan (Genesis 3:15).
2. Victory Through Christ's Sacrifice: Jesus Christ, the promised Seed, fulfilled this prophecy through His sacrificial death on the cross. Despite Satan bruising His heel, Christ's victory over sin and death guarantees the ultimate defeat of Satan.
3. Immensity of Christ's Sacrifice: Verses such as Hebrews 2:9, Galatians 3:13, and 2 Corinthians 5:21 emphasize the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, where He bore the weight of sin and endured suffering to reconcile humanity to God.
4. Demonstration of God's Love: The cross is the ultimate demonstration of God's love for humanity. Through Christ's sacrifice, God affirms His love and desire for reconciliation with humanity, offering redemption and eternal life to all who believe.
Discussion Questions:
1. Christ's Sacrifice and Redemption: What do Hebrews 2:9, Galatians 3:13, and 2 Corinthians 5:21 reveal about the significance of Christ's sacrifice on the cross for humanity's redemption? How does understanding the immensity of Christ's sacrifice impact our understanding of salvation?
Answer: These verses highlight that Christ's sacrifice on the cross was the means by which He bore the penalty of sin, redeemed humanity from the curse of the law, and reconciled us to God. Recognizing the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice emphasizes the depth of God's love and the assurance of salvation for those who trust in Him.
2. God's Love Demonstrated at the Cross: How does the cross serve as the ultimate demonstration of God's love for humanity? What does the imagery of Christ's suffering and death signify in terms of God's love and desire for reconciliation?
Answer: The cross reveals God's love in its fullest expression, as demonstrated by Christ's willingness to endure suffering and death on behalf of humanity. The imagery of Christ's sacrificial death signifies God's profound love and His desire to reconcile humanity to Himself, offering forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.
3. Christ's Response to Satan's Charges: How did Christ answer Satan's charges on the cross? In what ways did His death accomplish victory in the great controversy between good and evil?
Answer: Christ's sacrificial death on the cross served as the ultimate answer to Satan's accusations, demonstrating His obedience to God's will and His victory over sin and death. Through His death and resurrection, Christ defeated the power of sin and Satan, securing redemption and eternal life for all who believe.
4 Important Points:
1. Jesus as Our Great High Priest: Jesus, through His sacrificial death on the cross, also serves as our great High Priest in heaven, interceding for us and providing everything we need for salvation and eternal life.
2. Assurance in Temptation and Suffering: Hebrews 4:15-16 and Hebrews 7:25 offer assurance in times of temptation, suffering, disease, and death by emphasizing Jesus' perfect empathy with our struggles and His ability to provide grace and mercy to help us in our time of need.
3. Clothed in Christ's Righteousness: Through Jesus, we are presented before the universe clothed in His righteousness, saved by His death, and redeemed through His blood. His intercession breaks the grip of sin on our lives and sets us free from condemnation and guilt.
4. Christ's Longing Desire: John 17:24-26 reveals Christ's longing desire in the great controversy between good and evil: to have us with Him in heaven. His ultimate goal is our salvation and eternal fellowship with Him.
Discussion Questions:
1. Purpose of Christ's Sacrifice: Why do you think Christ sacrificed Himself for us? What motivates His willingness to endure suffering and death on our behalf?
Answer: Christ's sacrifice stems from His boundless love for humanity. He willingly suffered and died to redeem us from sin and reconcile us to God, demonstrating the depth of His love and His desire for our salvation.
2. Human Value to Christ: What makes us so valuable to Christ that He would sacrifice Himself for us? How does understanding our worth to Him impact our perception of ourselves and our relationship with Him?
Answer: We are valuable to Christ because He created us in His image and loves us unconditionally. Despite our flaws and shortcomings, He sees us as precious and worthy of His sacrifice. Recognizing our worth to Christ can deepen our appreciation for His love and strengthen our relationship with Him.
3. Bringing Our Needs to Jesus: How does Jesus' role as our great High Priest encourage us to bring our needs and concerns to Him in prayer? In what ways does He offer comfort, peace, forgiveness, and strength in response to our needs?
Answer: Jesus, as our High Priest, invites us to come boldly to Him with our needs and concerns, knowing that He empathizes with our struggles and offers grace and mercy to help us. Through prayer, He brings comfort in sorrow, peace in fear, forgiveness in guilt, and strength in weakness, demonstrating His care and compassion for us.
3 Important Points:
1. Revelation of God's Character: The atonement through Christ's sacrifice on the cross reveals the character of God, demonstrating His justice and love. It shows that sin is not chargeable upon God's government but is a consequence of humanity's choices.
2. Defeat of Satan: Christ's death on the cross signifies the defeat of Satan and the certainty of evil's final eradication. It proclaims that the wages of sin is death and assures the ultimate victory of good over evil.
3. Significance of the Great Controversy: The concept of the great controversy encompasses the cosmic conflict between good and evil, involving God, Satan, and humanity. Understanding this theme is crucial for comprehending the purpose of Christ's sacrifice and our role in the ongoing struggle between good and evil.
Discussion Questions:
1. Why Did God Grant Lucifer the Power of Choice?: If God knew that Lucifer was going to rebel, why did He give him the power of choice in the first place? Or when Lucifer rebelled, why didn’t God just annihilate him immediately? What kind of reaction might the unfallen universe have had if God had immediately wiped Lucifer out? Why is the concept of the universe’s interest in the plan of salvation so important to understanding the great controversy?
Answer: God granted Lucifer and all beings freedom of choice to maintain genuine love and obedience. Immediate annihilation of Lucifer might have raised questions about God's fairness and justice among the unfallen beings. The universe’s interest in the plan of salvation emphasizes the significance of God's actions in the cosmic conflict and underscores His love and justice.
2. Reasons for Christ's Death: What reason or reasons can you think of for Christ’s death on the cross? Was it only to reveal the character of God? Was it to pay the ransom price for sin? If so, to whom was the ransom paid? Share your thoughts and give biblical reasons for them.
Answer: Christ's death on the cross served multiple purposes, including revealing God's character, paying the ransom for sin, and defeating Satan. The ransom was paid to God's justice, satisfying the penalty for sin, and reconciling humanity to God.
3. Understanding the Great Controversy: When we use the term “the great controversy,” what do we mean? Discuss the various aspects of the great controversy and how this week’s lesson applies to your own life.
Answer: The great controversy refers to the cosmic conflict between good and evil, involving God, Satan, and humanity. It encompasses themes of rebellion, redemption, and restoration. Understanding this concept helps us recognize our role in the ongoing struggle between good and evil and encourages us to align ourselves with God's purposes.
4. Biblical Texts on the Great Controversy: What Bible texts talk about the reality of the great controversy? (See, for instance, Job 1:1-2:13; Ephesians 6:12.)
Answer: Biblical texts such as Job 1:1-2:13 and Ephesians 6:12 illustrate the reality of the great controversy by depicting the cosmic conflict between good and evil and the spiritual battles that occur in the unseen realm.
5. Seventh-day Adventist Understanding: How is the Seventh-day Adventist understanding unique among other Christian denominations? What is it in this great controversy theme that sets Adventists apart?
Answer: Seventh-day Adventists have a unique emphasis on the great controversy theme, which encompasses beliefs about Sabbath observance, the sanctuary, health principles, and the final events of Earth's history. This understanding shapes Adventist theology and mission, emphasizing the ongoing battle between good and evil and the ultimate triumph of God's kingdom.
Sulad Jhun Cardeinte writes from the Philippines. Currently, he is studying Dmiss at Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS). His email address is acardeinte@aiias.edu
Follow his FB page: Adventist ToolBoX
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BOTA ISAIAH (Saturday, 29 June 2024 02:23)
May God bless you.
Samuel James Gbande (Saturday, 06 April 2024 03:29)
Thank you so much, very interesting summary of the lesson, may God bless us all. Happy Sabbath
Hassen Bowu Anthony (Saturday, 06 April 2024 03:08)
I have learnt a lot from this lesson thanks
Josh Marikopo (Saturday, 06 April 2024 00:31)
Thank you for the summary. I am not in my country and unable to attend church but this summary is super
Alemar Clave (Friday, 05 April 2024 19:16)
Thank you so much Pastor Jhun, very helpful to everyone, to understand the deepest point of our lesson. Glory to God, may God bless you and your family�
ADVENT TOOLBOX (Friday, 05 April 2024 17:27)
Nicholas mwalimu (Friday, 05 April 2024 13:51)
It very
a encouraging lesson, we surely need to copy the love of God and embrace it all with our hearts, if God did as what humans could have done the Godly love to the rest of the creatures could have lost meaning but we are seeing that God maintained his natural love even unto the Lucifer by giving him (Lucifer) the choice and time to repent but Lucifer didn't. May the holy spirit of God continue dwelling in our hearts and teach us about love.thanks and may God bless this platform
Ramire Ndlovu: Zimbabwe (Friday, 05 April 2024 08:19)
These presentations encouraged me to buy a hard copy after a long break. God bless and keep the presenter. Now I can always check my responses joyfully to those answers.
Malai (Friday, 05 April 2024 07:31)
Very well summarized...
HAPPY Sabbath and God bless you all
Nganai stephen (Friday, 05 April 2024 06:41)
Nice short lesson messege,it real touching my mind,kindly pg to open it daily
Daniel Kiago (Friday, 05 April 2024 05:52)
How can I download for offline study?
Minrod Nyanga (Friday, 05 April 2024 04:39)
May allmighty God continue to bless everyone. Amen
Wanpis Ako, Papua New Guinea (Friday, 05 April 2024 04:28)
Such an insightful supplement to our lesson study this week. Happy Sabbath.
ruth labustro (Friday, 05 April 2024 04:14)
happy sabbath ,thank you for this summary of our lesson this week.Im bless of rhis wonderful words of God may the holy spirit change our lives to be a faithful servant of God until His second coming soon. God bless us all ..
Simiyu Godfrey (Friday, 05 April 2024 00:28)
Very encouraging and well summarized lesson for all adventists and every person in deed.Good work God's people and be blessed