
Lesson 08- Fulfilling Old Testament Prophecies

Sabbath Afternoon:

Five Important Points:

  1. Jesus as the Fulfillment of Prophecies
    The life, ministry, and actions of Jesus matched Old Testament prophecies (e.g., born in Bethlehem, from the line of David). His works bore witness to His divine origin (John 5:36).

  2. Recognition of the Messiah
    Despite fulfilling prophecies, many, especially the religious leaders, failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah (John 1:10).

  3. Prophecies as Testimonies
    The Scriptures (Old Testament) not only predicted the Messiah's coming but also pointed to Jesus' works and mission as their fulfillment (John 5:39-40).

  4. Jesus’ Mission
    Jesus came as one of the people of Israel, fully human yet divine, to complete the mission given to Him by the Father (John 5:17).

  5. Learning from Mistakes
    The rejection of Jesus highlights the dangers of spiritual blindness. Even with clear evidence, pride, traditions, and preconceptions hindered their acceptance of Him.

Discussion Questions with Answers:

  1. Why did many fail to recognize Jesus as the Messiah despite the evidence?

    • Their preconceived ideas of what the Messiah should be did not align with Jesus' humble appearance and mission. Additionally, spiritual blindness and pride played significant roles.
  2. How does Jesus’ fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies strengthen our faith today?

    • It shows that God’s word is trustworthy and consistent. The alignment between prophecy and fulfillment reveals divine orchestration.
  3. What can we learn from the rejection of Jesus by His own people?

    • We learn the importance of humility, openness to God’s leading, and the danger of allowing traditions to overshadow truth.



Sunday: Signs, Works, and Wonders

Five Important Points:

  1. Signs as Testimonies of the Messiah
    Jesus’ signs and wonders pointed not only to His divine power but also to His intimate relationship with the Father (John 10:38).

  2. Unity with the Father
    Jesus emphasized that His works were in perfect unity with the Father’s will, revealing His divine mission (John 5:20).

  3. Rejection Despite Evidence
    Even though Jesus performed undeniable miracles, many chose not to believe due to hardened hearts (John 10:24-25).

  4. Miracles as a Witness
    The miracles demonstrated the Father’s approval of Jesus’ mission and affirmed His identity as the Messiah (John 5:36).

  5. Faith and the Works of God
    True belief requires spiritual discernment and faith. Signs alone, without understanding, may not lead to conviction.

Discussion Questions with Answers:

  1. What was the purpose of Jesus’ signs and wonders?

    • To reveal His divine mission, demonstrate His unity with the Father, and confirm His identity as the Messiah.
  2. Why did some reject Jesus even after witnessing His miracles?

    • Their hearts were hardened by pride, and they prioritized their traditions over the truth of God’s work.
  3. How can we prevent spiritual blindness in our own lives?

    • By humbly seeking God’s guidance, studying His Word, and allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts.



Monday: The Authoritative Role of Scripture

Five Important Points:

  1. Jesus Upheld Scripture
    Jesus often referred to Scripture to explain His mission and identity, affirming its divine authority (John 5:39-40).

  2. Old Testament Foundations
    Jesus’ life and teachings fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, validating both His ministry and the Scriptures (John 1:45).

  3. Authority of Prophecy
    The events in Jesus’ life, including His death and resurrection, were foretold in Scripture, pointing to its divine inspiration (John 2:22).

  4. Prophecy as Evidence
    Jesus used prophetic events, like Moses lifting the serpent, as illustrations of His redemptive work (John 3:14; Numbers 21:5-9).

  5. Faith in the Word
    The Bible remains the foundation of our faith, and its prophecies affirm God’s plan of salvation through Jesus.

Discussion Questions with Answers:

  1. Why is Scripture central to our faith in Jesus as the Messiah?

    • It contains the prophetic foundation that validates His mission and identity, showing God’s consistent plan of salvation.
  2. How does Jesus’ use of Scripture inspire our own study of the Bible?

    • It encourages us to delve into the Bible as a reliable source of truth, pointing us to God’s will and purpose.
  3. What challenges today undermine faith in the Bible’s authority?

    • Secularism, relativism, and skepticism challenge its divine inspiration, but a personal relationship with Christ affirms its truth.



Tuesday: Old Testament Prophecies of Jesus: Part I

Five Important Points:

  1. Prophecies Confirm Jesus’ Mission
    John’s Gospel highlights how Old Testament passages point to Jesus as the Messiah (e.g., Isaiah 40:3; John 1:23).

  2. Scripture as a Witness
    Prophecies such as Psalm 69:9 and Numbers 9:12 were fulfilled in Jesus’ life, showcasing God’s meticulous plan (John 2:16-17; 19:36).

  3. Role of the Holy Spirit
    The disciples fully understood these prophecies only after Jesus’ resurrection, guided by the Spirit (John 2:22).

  4. Consistency of Scripture
    The continuity between the Old and New Testaments reinforces the Bible’s divine authorship and Christ’s centrality.

  5. Recognition Through Scripture
    The Scriptures not only point to Jesus but also guide believers toward recognizing Him as the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Discussion Questions with Answers:

  1. Why are Old Testament prophecies important for understanding Jesus’ mission?

    • They provide a historical and spiritual foundation for identifying Jesus as the promised Messiah.
  2. How does the fulfillment of prophecy strengthen our faith?

    • It demonstrates God’s sovereignty and the reliability of His Word, assuring us of His faithfulness.
  3. Why did the disciples understand prophecies about Jesus only after His resurrection?

    • Their understanding deepened through the Holy Spirit, which illuminated the meaning of Scripture.



Wednesday: Old Testament Prophecies of Jesus: Part II

Five Important Points:

  1. Scriptures Testify of Jesus
    Jesus emphasized that the Scriptures bore witness to Him, affirming His divine mission (John 5:39).

  2. Fulfillment of Messianic Prophecies
    Events in Jesus’ life, such as His triumphal entry and betrayal, fulfilled specific Old Testament texts (Zechariah 9:9; Psalms 41:9).

  3. Staggering Evidence
    The sheer number of fulfilled prophecies provides overwhelming evidence of Jesus as the Messiah.

  4. Divine Orchestration
    Prophecies like Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 118:26 show God’s hand in the unfolding of salvation history.

  5. Strengthening Faith
    Understanding these prophecies strengthens believers’ confidence in Jesus and the Bible’s divine origin.

Discussion Questions with Answers:

  1. How do fulfilled prophecies provide evidence for Jesus’ identity as the Messiah?

    • They align with specific events in His life, affirming the Bible’s accuracy and God’s faithfulness.
  2. What can we learn from Jesus’ use of prophecy to reveal His mission?

    • It highlights the importance of Scripture in understanding God’s plan and the need for spiritual discernment.
  3. How can we use Messianic prophecies to share our faith?

    • By pointing to their fulfillment in Jesus, we can show others the reliability of Scripture and the truth of the Gospel.


Thursday: From Beneath

Five Important Points

  1. Jesus’ Light Reveals Darkness
    Jesus declares Himself as the "Light of the world" (John 8:12), symbolizing His mission to expose sin and lead people out of spiritual darkness. The Pharisees’ rejection of Him highlighted their resistance to divine truth.

  2. The Religious Leaders’ Self-Deception
    Despite their outward religiosity, the religious leaders were spiritually blind. Jesus said, “You are from beneath” (John 8:23), emphasizing their earthly and self-serving mindset.

  3. Lack of Knowledge of the Father
    Jesus pointed out that the religious leaders did not know Him or the Father (John 8:19). Their traditions obscured the truth, preventing them from recognizing God’s revelation in Jesus.

  4. Worldly Commandments versus God’s Will
    The leaders’ teachings, rooted in human traditions, lacked divine authority (Mark 7:7). They clung to earthly perspectives rather than seeking heavenly wisdom.

  5. Hope Amid Rejection
    Even amid opposition, “many believed in Him” (John 8:30). This demonstrates that divine truth can penetrate hearts despite societal and religious barriers.

Discussion Questions and Answers

  1. Why did the Pharisees reject Jesus despite His teachings and miracles?

    • Answer: They were blinded by their pride, traditions, and fear of losing power. Accepting Jesus would have required them to abandon their preconceived notions and selfish ways (Isaiah 29:13).
  2. What does it mean to be “from above” versus “from beneath”?

    • Answer: To be "from above" is to align with God’s will and spiritual truths. To be "from beneath" reflects a worldly, self-centered perspective (John 8:23).
  3. How can we avoid being led astray by false traditions or beliefs?

    • Answer: By grounding ourselves in Scripture, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and remaining open to correction and truth (2 Timothy 3:16).



Friday: Further Thought

Five Important Points

  1. Prophecies and Faith
    Fulfilled prophecies, such as those in Psalms and Isaiah, confirm Jesus’ identity as the Messiah, strengthening the faith of believers.

  2. Traditions Obscured Truth
    The religious leaders’ adherence to human traditions made them blind to Christ’s mission. Their refusal to change hindered their spiritual growth.

  3. Resistance to Conviction
    Many rejected Jesus because accepting Him required sacrificing their comfort, traditions, and pride (Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 105).

  4. God’s Truth Is Accessible
    God’s truth is not hidden but must be sought with humility. Rejecting it stems from human pride and unwillingness to surrender preconceived ideas.

  5. Faith Beyond Evidence
    Even with conclusive evidence of Jesus’ divinity, belief requires a willing heart. Faith bridges the gap between evidence and conviction.

Discussion Questions and Answers

  1. How do fulfilled prophecies in Jesus’ life inspire confidence in the Bible’s authority?

    • Answer: They demonstrate the divine inspiration of Scripture and its reliability in pointing to God’s plan of salvation (John 19:36-37).
  2. What lessons can we learn from the religious leaders’ rejection of Jesus?

    • Answer: Pride, fear of change, and overreliance on human traditions can block us from recognizing God’s work. We must remain open to divine guidance.
  3. How can we strengthen our confidence in Scripture today?

    • Answer: By daily studying the Bible, meditating on its fulfilled prophecies, and praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance to apply its truths in our lives.


Lesson 8 Fulfilling Old Testament Prophe
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Comments: 20
  • #1

    Donette (Saturday, 16 November 2024 12:46)

    Notification and breakdown of the lessons study

  • #2

    Lafayette kerkula (Sunday, 17 November 2024 20:38)

    Thanks for the teacher edition last week. I pray and hope that God will give you the strength to give us this week teacher edition. I love teaching from the teacher edition. Please include the teacher edition download lesson.

  • #3

    Coni hu (Monday, 18 November 2024 01:15)

    I am thankful for your weekly post of lesson pointers. I love using it in teaching the lesson. Wish you could post it earlier. Thank you and God will continue to protect and bless you and your family.

  • #4

    Francis Busmai (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 03:49)

    Notification and breakdown of the lessons study

  • #5

    Craig Hull (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 06:19)

    The Son of God came to the world as a restorer. He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Every word He uttered was spirit and life. He spoke with authority, conscious of His power to bless hu­manity, and deliver the captives bound by Satan; conscious also that by His presence He could bring to the world fullness of joy. He longed to help every oppressed and suffering member of the human ­family, and show that it was His prerogative to bless, not to condemn.—Lift Him Up, p. 37.

    Christ distinctly appropriated to Himself the right to authority and allegiance. “Ye call me Master and Lord,” He said, “and ye say well; for so I am.” “One is your Master, even Christ.” Thus He maintained the dignity that belonged to His name, and the authority and power He possessed in heaven.
    There were occasions when He spoke with the dignity of His own true greatness. “He that hath ears to hear,” He said, “let him hear.” In these words He was only repeating the command of God, when from His excellent glory the Infinite One had declared, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.” Standing amid the frowning Pharisees, who sought to make their own importance felt, Christ did not hesitate to compare Himself with the most distinguished representative men who had walked the earth, and to claim preeminence above them all.—Lift Him Up, p. 37.

    By coming to dwell with us, Jesus was to reveal God both to men and to angels. He was the Word of God,—God’s thought made audible. In His prayer for His disciples He says, “I have declared unto them Thy name,”—“merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,”—“that the love wherewith Thou hast loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” But not alone for His earthborn children was this revelation given. Our little world is the lesson book of the universe. God’s wonderful purpose of grace, the mystery of redeeming love, is the theme into which “angels desire to look,” and it will be their study throughout endless ages. Both the redeemed and the unfallen beings will find in the cross of Christ their science and their song. It will be seen that the glory shining in the face of Jesus is the glory of self-sacrificing love. In the light from Calvary it will be seen that the law of self-renouncing love is the law of life for earth and heaven; that the love which “seeketh not her own” has its source in the heart of God; and that in the meek and lowly One is manifested the character of Him who dwelleth in the light which no man can approach unto.—The Desire of Ages, p. 19.

  • #6

    Donald Pilae (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 17:28)

    Praise God for additional quarterly notes
    God bless your efforts

  • #7

    SHAKA GODIDE DUBE (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 17:31)

    Thank you so much for
    For the LESSON

  • #8

    Malachi Timothy (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 17:34)

    Praise God

  • #9

    Tricia Mabuza (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 18:36)

    Thank so much for the Lesson we are blessed each and every week for the teachers edition ��

  • #10

    Nomalanga (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 20:13)

    Thank you so much

  • #11

    Onyalla Kennedy okwera (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 22:02)

    Thank you for this great work may God continue to bless you more, and I would like to have this every week

  • #12

    Daniel Joseph (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 22:13)

    Would like to receive updates every day

  • #13

    Drichile Patrick (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 22:40)

    How the world is taking us daily on the side of God

  • #14

    Mumba Miyanda (Tuesday, 19 November 2024 23:04)

    Wonderful let more people learn about the truth

  • #15

    Philip Kaipeng (Wednesday, 20 November 2024 00:38)

    Thank you for
    Sending me the importance point Sabbath lessons study

  • #16

    Evans Matoke (Wednesday, 20 November 2024 00:38)

    God bless you for this wonderful work.
    It's a blessing to me indeed

  • #17

    Elias (Wednesday, 20 November 2024 05:28)

    I want to be like Paul as a missionery

  • #18

    Chan Hoth Ruei (Wednesday, 20 November 2024 06:32)

    I want to spread this Gospel to all people around the world

  • #19

    Rogers (Friday, 22 November 2024 11:35)

    Thanks and Happy Sabbath

  • #20

    Wilson Fendal (Friday, 22 November 2024 11:36)

    Thank you for nice explanation may God bless you abundantly
    Love from India