
Lesson 09- The Source of Life

Sabbath Afternoon:

5 Important Lessons

  1. Jesus is the Source of Life
    John 1:4 - "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men."

    • Jesus provides both physical and spiritual life.
  2. Jesus Offers Abundant Life
    John 10:10 - "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

    • Jesus’ mission is to bring fullness of life, free from the bondage of sin.
  3. Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life
    John 14:6 - "I am the way, the truth, and the life."

    • Jesus is the only way to eternal life and reconciliation with God.
  4. New Life is a Gift from God
    John 1:12-13 - "To them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name."

    • Faith transforms us into children of God.
  5. Jesus Reveals the Father
    John 1:18 - "The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him."

    • By knowing Jesus, we understand God’s character and love.

Discussion Questions and Answers

  1. What does it mean for Jesus to be the Source of Life?

    • Jesus is the Creator (John 1:3-4) and the Sustainer of eternal life through His sacrifice.
  2. How does Jesus’ promise of abundant life differ from worldly success?

    • Worldly success is temporary; Jesus’ promise encompasses spiritual peace and eternal joy.
  3. Why is knowing Jesus essential for understanding God?

    • Jesus reveals God’s character, as seen in His life of love, compassion, and truth (John 14:9).



Sunday: In Him Was Life

5 Important Lessons

  1. Jesus is Eternal Life
    John 1:4 - "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men."

    • Jesus possesses life in Himself and is the source of salvation.
  2. Salvation Through Belief
    John 3:16 - "Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

    • Faith in Jesus leads to eternal life.
  3. Jesus Took Our Place
    John 3:14-15 - "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness... that whoever believes in Him should not perish."

    • Jesus bore our sins so we might live.
  4. Jesus Brings Abundant Life
    John 10:10 - "I have come that they may have life."

    • Life in Christ offers spiritual richness.
  5. Jesus Reveals God
    John 1:18 - "The only begotten Son... has declared Him."

    • Through Jesus, we know God’s heart.

Discussion Questions and Answers

  1. What does “in Him was life” mean?

    • Jesus, as Creator and Savior, gives both physical and spiritual life (John 1:4).
  2. How does Jesus provide salvation through His sacrifice?

    • By taking the penalty for our sins (John 3:14-15).
  3. What does abundant life in Jesus look like?

    • A life filled with peace, joy, and eternal hope despite challenges (John 10:10).



Monday: The Words of Eternal Life

5 Important Lessons

  1. Eternal Life Through Jesus’ Words
    John 6:68 - "You have the words of eternal life."

    • Jesus’ teachings lead to salvation.
  2. Jesus is the Bread of Life
    John 6:35 - "I am the bread of life."

    • Spiritual sustenance comes through Him.
  3. Faith Brings Eternal Life
    John 3:16 - "Whoever believes in Him should not perish."

    • Belief in Jesus grants eternal life.
  4. Salvation is a Gift of Grace
    Ephesians 2:8 - "By grace you have been saved through faith."

    • Eternal life is not earned but received through faith.
  5. Jesus is the Resurrection and Life
    John 6:40 - "Everyone who believes in Him may have everlasting life."

    • Faith in Jesus ensures resurrection and eternal life.

Discussion Questions and Answers

  1. What does Peter’s response to Jesus teach us about discipleship?

    • Faithful disciples recognize Jesus as the only source of eternal life (John 6:68).
  2. How does the Bread of Life symbolize Jesus’ role in salvation?

    • Just as bread sustains physically, Jesus sustains us spiritually (John 6:35).
  3. What assurance does eternal life bring to believers?

    • It gives hope and a perspective beyond earthly struggles (John 3:16).



Tuesday: Believing and New Birth

5 Important Lessons

  1. Faith is Essential
    John 1:12 - "As many as received Him... He gave the right to become children of God."

    • Belief in Jesus leads to transformation.
  2. New Birth is from God
    John 1:13 - "Born... of God."

    • Salvation is a divine act.
  3. Faith Comes Through God’s Word
    Romans 10:17 - "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

    • God’s Word builds faith.
  4. Salvation is Through the Spirit
    John 3:5 - "Born of water and the Spirit."

    • The Holy Spirit regenerates and transforms us.
  5. Faith is a Gift
    Ephesians 2:8 - "By grace... through faith... it is the gift of God."

    • Faith originates from God’s grace.

Discussion Questions and Answers

  1. What are the steps to becoming a Christian?

    • Believe in Jesus, receive Him, and let the Spirit transform your heart (John 1:12-13).
  2. How does the Spirit bring about new birth?

    • By convicting us of sin and leading us to repentance (John 16:7-8).
  3. Why is faith described as a gift?

    • It originates from God and grows through His Word (Ephesians 2:8).



Wednesday: Rejecting the Source of Life

5 Important Lessons

  1. Jesus Faced Rejection
    John 1:10-11 - "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him."

    • Many rejected Jesus despite His miracles and teaching.
  2. Faith Overcomes Doubt
    Luke 18:8 - "Will He really find faith on the earth?"

    • Trust in Jesus must overcome skepticism.
  3. Trust in God’s Word
    Numbers 13:30 - "Let us go up... for we are well able to overcome it."

    • Faith in God’s promises brings victory.
  4. Avoid Presumption
    Matthew 4:7 - "You shall not tempt the Lord your God."

    • Acting in faith requires discernment.
  5. Faith vs. Doubt
    Numbers 13:32 - "The land... is a land that devours its inhabitants."

    • Doubt leads to fear and disobedience.

Discussion Questions and Answers

  1. What caused many to reject Jesus as the Messiah?

    • They doubted His claims and relied on human reasoning (John 1:11).
  2. How do we avoid repeating the Hebrews’ mistake at Kadesh Barnea?

    • By trusting God’s Word, even when circumstances seem overwhelming (Numbers 13:30).
  3. What is the difference between faith and presumption?

    • Faith trusts God’s promises; presumption acts without God’s guidance (Matthew 4:7).


Thursday: Condemnation

5 Important Lessons

  1. Belief in Jesus Removes Condemnation

    • Bible Text: John 3:18
    • Explanation: Those who believe in Jesus are free from condemnation because their faith secures their salvation. Rejecting Him, however, leaves a person in a state of judgment.
  2. Rejection of Jesus Brings Judgment

    • Bible Text: John 3:36
    • Explanation: Those who refuse to accept Jesus remain under God’s wrath. Faith in Him is the only pathway to eternal life.
  3. Light Exposes Truth

    • Bible Text: John 3:19-21
    • Explanation: People avoid coming to Jesus, the Light, because they fear their sinful deeds will be exposed. However, those who live by truth embrace the light and are transformed by it.
  4. Temptation is Overcome by God’s Word

    • Bible Text: Matthew 4:1-4
    • Explanation: Jesus demonstrates the power of Scripture in resisting Satan’s temptations. This principle teaches believers to rely on God’s Word when facing challenges.
  5. Deception Leads Away from God

    • Bible Text: Genesis 3:1-6
    • Explanation: Eve’s fall illustrates how Satan uses deception to lead people away from God. Trusting God’s Word rather than human reasoning is vital to avoiding similar pitfalls.

3 Discussion Questions with Answers

  1. Why does belief in Jesus remove condemnation?

    • Answer: Belief in Jesus connects us to His atoning sacrifice. Through His death and resurrection, He bore the penalty for sin, offering believers justification and eternal life (John 3:18).
  2. Why do some people reject the Light?

    • Answer: People fear their sinful deeds will be exposed. They prefer darkness because it allows them to avoid accountability and continue living in sin (John 3:19-20).
  3. How can we follow Christ’s example in overcoming temptation?

    • Answer: By using Scripture as a guide, trusting in God’s promises, and rejecting human reasoning that contradicts divine truth, just as Jesus did in the wilderness (Matthew 4:4).


Friday: Further Thought

5 Important Lessons

  1. Jesus Humbled Himself for Humanity

    • Bible Text: Philippians 2:8
    • Explanation: Jesus’ humility in taking on human form and dying on the cross reveals His selfless love for humanity and the extent of His sacrifice for our redemption.
  2. Jesus Took Our Place

    • Bible Text: Isaiah 53:5
    • Explanation: Jesus bore humanity’s sins, suffering the punishment we deserve. In exchange, He offers His righteousness, granting us peace and healing.
  3. Faith is the Key to Salvation

    • Bible Text: Ephesians 2:8-9
    • Explanation: Salvation is a gift of grace, not earned by human effort. Faith in Jesus is the only means by which we can receive this gift.
  4. God’s Plan of Salvation is Logical

    • Bible Text: Romans 1:20
    • Explanation: The created world reflects God’s power and divine nature, offering rational evidence of His existence and the truth of His plan of salvation.
  5. Prophecy Confirms Jesus as Savior

    • Bible Text: Luke 24:25-27
    • Explanation: Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah, confirming the validity of Scripture and His divine mission.

3 Discussion Questions with Answers

  1. What are the best ways to help others see Jesus’ sacrifice and come to Him?

    • Answer: Share personal testimonies, live a Christlike life, and use Scripture to demonstrate God’s love and Jesus’ role as Savior (Isaiah 53:5).
  2. How can logic and reason support faith in God?

    • Answer: The fulfillment of prophecy and the complexity of creation point to a Creator. Rational evidence like these strengthens belief in the existence of God and His plan of salvation (Romans 1:20).
  3. Why is Jesus’ humility central to our understanding of His mission?

    • Answer: Jesus’ willingness to take on humanity and die for sinners illustrates the depth of His love and serves as the foundation for salvation (Philippians 2:8).



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Comments: 26
  • #1

    Francis Tamilong ( Papua New Guinea (Friday, 22 November 2024 18:13)

    I am thankful for your weekly post of lesson pointers. I love using it in teaching the lesson. Wish you could post it earlier. Thank you and God will continue to protect and bless you and your family.

  • #2

    Indy Yaking (Papua New Guinea) (Friday, 22 November 2024 21:33)

    The lesson pointers provide an easy reading and great understanding to the lesson. I really love your work. Pray God will continue to inspire and bless you in doing His work.

  • #3

    Vincent Odillah (Saturday, 23 November 2024 10:00)

    Lesson pointers are very elaborate, accurate and easy to use. They provide teachers with much explanations at fingertips. Continue sending them more.

  • #4

    Joyce wahamu (Saturday, 23 November 2024 14:29)

    am thankful for your weekly post of lesson pointers. I love using it in teaching the lesson. Wish you could post it earlier. Thank you and God will continue to protect and bless you and your family.

  • #5

    Wycliff osoro (Sunday, 24 November 2024 10:21)

    God bless you for the good work.

  • #6

    Shem Poniou Papua New Guinea (Sunday, 24 November 2024 15:03)

    Your lesson pointers helps alot. Thankyou for the God given Wisdom.

  • #7

    Lafayette kerkula (Sunday, 24 November 2024 21:47)

    Thanks God almighty for another week of the teacher edition. I bless God for you. May He continue to give you strength to carry on your good work.

  • #8

    Walakira kefa (Monday, 25 November 2024 04:11)

    A live Uganda l what online pointer on lesson please

  • #9

    Jack Robeni (Thursday, 28 November 2024 05:02)

    God bless you for the lesson pointer this simplify teaching at church

  • #10

    Lafayette kerkula (Thursday, 28 November 2024 14:45)

    Please, we are waiting for the teacher edition lesson. Time is running out.

  • #11

    Lyn (Thursday, 28 November 2024 18:52)

    Why cant view

  • #12

    Noemi Yanson (Thursday, 28 November 2024 23:57)

    Thank you for the lesson pointers God bless you

  • #13

    Lyn. (Friday, 29 November 2024 02:36)

    How come icant see the pointers����

  • #14

    Wycliff (Friday, 29 November 2024 03:50)

    Where are the lesson pointers??

  • #15

    Muwanguzi Henry (Friday, 29 November 2024 04:29)

    Kindly we are patiently waiting for the lesson,
    Hope all is well that side.

  • #16

    Noel Aporbo (Friday, 29 November 2024 05:49)

    Happy sabbath. Thank you for the pointers it adds my knowledge about the lesson and it inspires me to continue shining till Jesus comes.

  • #17

    Kepha (Friday, 29 November 2024 07:05)

    Thank you for the good pointers that help me understand the lesson better

  • #18

    Tata Pabilan (Friday, 29 November 2024 08:00)

    Are going to post the pointers?
    Please reveal it now for to make it easir to handle the lesson.

  • #19

    Steve (Friday, 29 November 2024 09:03)

    Thanks for weekly summarize lesson
    If possible you may upload this week summary as early as possible it will be fine. Thanks in advance as you consider our request

  • #20

    Danel Tadesse (Friday, 29 November 2024 10:05)

    Thanks for weekly summarize lesson
    If possible you may upload this week summary as early as possible it will be fine. Thanks in advance as you consider our request

  • #21

    Gello Era (Friday, 29 November 2024 12:20)

    Thank you for preparing this pointers

  • #22

    Irene (Friday, 29 November 2024 14:01)

    Thank you for the lesson key points, makes sabbath school easier to follow. As a leader it helps immensely.
    Patiently waiting.
    Kind Regards.

  • #23

    Noemi Yanson (Friday, 29 November 2024 14:33)

    We would be very grateful if you could send the lesson pointers for this week Thank you and May God bless you

  • #24

    Shem (Friday, 29 November 2024 15:50)

    Lesson 9 pointers?

  • #25

    Shem (Friday, 29 November 2024 19:54)

    I appreciate the good pointers. I salute you and God. But,,Iam a Papua New Guinean and the timing is a bit late. Lesson Discussions were over and I then saw these pointers.Can you send them pointers a little bit earlier? It will be better to make it available before Saturday.

  • #26

    Lafayette kerkula (Friday, 29 November 2024 23:22)

    Thanks God almighty for bringing us this week teacher edition. Even it came late, but I really enjoyed the Bible text and explanation in Thursday and Friday lesson. I know you can be very busy, please try to bring next week teacher edition sooner.