Lesson 11- The Impending Conflict

Read for This Week’s Study:
Revelation 14:7; Revelation 14:9; Revelation 14:12; Revelation 4:11; Revelation 13:1-2; Revelation 12:3-5; Revelation 12:17; Revelation 13:11-18.

Memory Text: “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth” (John 17:17).

Sabbath Afternoon
Important Lessons:
1.    The Centrality of Worship in Revelation:
o    Read: Revelation 14:7, Revelation 4:11
o    Lesson: Worship is a core theme in Revelation, with a clear call to worship God as the Creator. This stands in opposition to the worship of the beast and his image.

2.    The Final Conflict Over Worship:
o    Read: Revelation 14:9, Revelation 14:12
o    Lesson: The end-time conflict centers on worship and allegiance. The true test will be between worshiping the Creator and following the commandments versus worshiping the beast.

3.    Sabbath as a Sign of Allegiance:
o    Read: Revelation 14:12
o    Lesson: Keeping the Sabbath is an act of loyalty to the Creator, reflecting the faith of Jesus and adherence to God’s commandments, even in the face of persecution.

4.    Satan’s Deception and Force:
o    Read: Revelation 12:17, Revelation 13:11-18
o    Lesson: Satan’s strategy involves deception and, failing that, force and coercion. The beast from the earth, symbolizing a union of church and state, will enforce worship of the first beast.

Discussion Questions:
1.    Why is the issue of worship so central in the book of Revelation?
o    Answer: Worship signifies allegiance. In the final conflict, the core issue is whom we choose to worship: God the Creator or the beast. This choice determines our loyalty and obedience to God’s commandments.

2.    How does the observance of the Sabbath distinguish God’s people in the end times?
o    Answer: The Sabbath is a sign of God’s creative authority and a symbol of our allegiance to Him. Observing the Sabbath amidst opposition demonstrates loyalty to God and His law.

3.    What are the implications of the beast’s use of deception and force?
o    Answer: Satan’s tactics highlight the intensity of the final conflict. Deception aims to mislead even the faithful, while force seeks to coerce those who stand firm. This underscores the importance of grounding our faith in God’s truth.

Revelation’s Final Conflict
Important Lessons:
1.    Worship and Creation in Revelation:
o   Read: Revelation 14:7
o   Lesson: Worship is intricately linked to recognizing God as Creator, which is a counter-narrative to the theory of evolution that has gained prominence in the last two centuries.

2.    Loyalty Amidst Persecution:
o   Read: Revelation 14:12
o   Lesson: The end-time remnant are those who keep God’s commandments and maintain their faith in Jesus, highlighting a steadfast loyalty despite severe persecution.

3.    The Role of the Sabbath:
o   Read: Revelation 4:11
o   Lesson: The Sabbath, as a symbol of creation, becomes a pivotal point in the conflict, representing obedience to God’s authority.

4.    Faith of Jesus:
o   Read: Revelation 14:12
o   Lesson: The “faith of Jesus” is characterized by deep trust and perseverance, qualities necessary for enduring the final crisis.

Discussion Questions:
1.    What does the connection between worship and creation in Revelation teach us?
o   Answer: It reinforces the idea that worshiping God is based on acknowledging Him as the Creator. This connection is vital in understanding why the Sabbath is central to end-time worship.

2.    How can we cultivate the faith of Jesus in our lives today?
o   Answer: By deepening our relationship with Christ through prayer, Bible study, and obedience, we can develop a faith that trusts God implicitly and perseveres through trials.

3.    What practical steps can we take to remain loyal to God amidst societal pressures?
o   Answer: By prioritizing God’s commandments, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and staying connected with a faith community, we can strengthen our resolve to stay faithful to God’s truth.

The Coming Crisis
Important Lessons:
1.    Persecution in History and Prophecy:
o   Read: John 16:2, Matthew 10:22, 2 Timothy 3:12, 1 Peter 4:12
o   Lesson: Persecution has always been a reality for God’s people. The final crisis will mirror past persecutions but will be more intense.

2.    Economic Sanctions and Control:
o   Read: Revelation 13:15, 17
o   Lesson: Economic pressure will be a tool used to enforce the mark of the beast, affecting the ability to buy and sell.

3.    Faithfulness in the Face of Adversity:
o   Read: Revelation 14:12
o   Lesson: God’s end-time people will exhibit patience, obedience, and faithfulness, standing firm in their beliefs despite the pressures.

4.    The Role of Deception and Force:
o    Read: Revelation 13:3
o   Lesson: Satan will use both deception and force to compel worship of the beast. Understanding these tactics helps in preparing to resist them.

Discussion Questions:
1.    How can historical instances of persecution help us prepare for future trials?
o   Answer: By studying past persecutions, we can learn from the faith and resilience of those who remained steadfast. This knowledge equips us to face future challenges with similar courage and faith.

2.    What strategies can we adopt to avoid being deceived in the end times?
o   Answer: Staying grounded in Scripture, being vigilant in prayer, and seeking discernment through the Holy Spirit can help us recognize and resist deception.

3.    How should we respond to economic pressures that challenge our faith?
o   Answer: We should trust in God’s provision, prioritize obedience over convenience, and support one another within the faith community to withstand economic coercion.

Identifying the Beast: Part 1
Important Lessons:
1.    Rise of the Beast:
o   Read: Revelation 13:1-2
o   Lesson: The beast rises from the sea, symbolizing a populated area, and derives its authority from the dragon, indicating Satan’s influence through political and religious powers.

2.    Transfer of Power:
o   Read: Revelation 13:2
o   Lesson: The transition of power from pagan Rome to the Papacy is a historical fulfillment of prophecy, showing the continuity of opposition to God.

3.    Blasphemy and Authority:
o   Read: Revelation 13:1, 6
o   Lesson: The beast’s blasphemous claims involve pretending to be God and claiming the power to forgive sins, which aligns with the historical actions of the Papacy.

4.    Religious and Political Influence:
o   Read: Revelation 13:1-2
o   Lesson: The beast represents a religious organization with significant political power, influencing global worship practices contrary to God’s commandments.

Discussion Questions:
1.    How does the historical rise of the Papacy fulfill Revelation’s prophecy?
o   Answer: The Papacy’s rise to power after the fall of pagan Rome and its subsequent influence over religious and political matters aligns with the prophetic description of the beast.

2.    What are the implications of the beast’s blasphemous claims for modern believers?
o   Answer: Recognizing these claims helps believers understand the nature of the final conflict and the importance of upholding God’s truth over human traditions.

3.    In what ways can we remain vigilant against religious and political powers that oppose God’s commandments?
o   Answer: By adhering to Scripture, maintaining a personal relationship with God, and being aware of current events, we can discern and resist influences that contradict God’s law.

Identifying the Beast: Part 2
Important Lessons:

1.    Character of the Beast:
o   Read: Revelation 13:5-7
o   Lesson: The beast exercises power for 42 months, a period symbolizing 1260 prophetic days or years, during which it persecutes the saints and blasphemes God.

2.    Healing of the Wound:
o   Read: Revelation 13:3
o   Lesson: The beast’s deadly wound, inflicted by the loss of political power, is healed, indicating a resurgence of its influence in the end times.

3.    Worship and Deception:
o   Read: Revelation 13:8
o   Lesson: The beast commands global worship through deception, contrasting with the worship of the Creator emphasized in Revelation 14:7.

4.    Alliance with the Second Beast:
o   Read: Revelation 13:11-18
o   Lesson: The second beast, symbolizing the United States, supports the first beast, enforcing its worship and establishing an image to the beast.

Discussion Questions:
1.    What significance does the 42-month period hold in understanding the beast’s power?
o   Answer: The 42-month period signifies the historical persecution of God’s people during the Dark Ages, reflecting the duration of the Papacy’s dominant influence.

2.    How does the healing of the beast’s wound relate to current religious dynamics?
o   Answer: The healing suggests a revival of papal influence, seen in the increasing cooperation between religious and political entities globally, aiming to unify worship practices.

3.    What role does the United States play in the end-time scenario according to Revelation 13?
o   Answer: The United States, represented by the second beast, will exercise global influence, enforcing the worship of the first beast and imposing its mark, highlighting the convergence of religious and political power in the final conflict.

The Beast From the Earth
Important Lessons:
1.    The Rise of the Second Beast:
o    Read: Revelation 13:11
o    Lesson: The second beast emerges from the earth, representing a sparsely populated area compared to the sea from which the first beast arises. This indicates the second beast's rise to power in a relatively unpopulated region, identified as the United States, which gained prominence around the late 18th century. Understanding this helps us recognize the historical and geographical context of prophecy.

2.    Symbolism of the Two Horns:
o    Read: Revelation 13:11
o    Lesson: The two horns like a lamb symbolize the United States' foundational principles of political and religious liberty. Unlike the crowns on the horns of the first beast, these horns suggest a democratic form of governance without a monarchy. This illustrates the initial commitment to freedom and justice in the United States.

3.    Transformation and Apostasy:
o    Read: Revelation 13:12
o    Lesson: Despite its gentle, lamblike appearance, the second beast ultimately speaks like a dragon, exercising the same authority as the first beast and leading the world to worship it. This transformation signifies a departure from its founding principles, resulting in the enforcement of religious decrees and the formation of a union between church and state. This warns of the dangers of religious and political apostasy.

4.    Fulfillment of Prophecy Through Political Instability:
o    Read: Revelation 13:12-18
o    Lesson: The current political instability in America can be seen as a precursor to the fulfillment of prophecy. The second beast’s future actions, compelling worship of the first beast, underscore the potential for drastic changes in governance and religious freedom. Recognizing these signs encourages vigilance and adherence to biblical principles amidst shifting political landscapes.

5.    Formation of the Image:
o   Read: Revelation 13:14-15

o   Lesson: The image of the beast represents a union of church and state, mirroring the historical Papacy, and enforces the worship of the beast, persecuting dissenters.

6.    Economic Coercion:
o   Read: Revelation 13:17
o   Lesson: The image of the beast will control economic transactions, using this power to compel compliance with its religious mandates.

7.    The Mark of the Beast:
o   Read: Revelation 13:16-17
o   Lesson: The mark symbolizes allegiance to the beast, contrasting with the seal of God, which signifies obedience to His commandments, particularly the Sabbath.

8.    Final Test of Loyalty:
o   Read: Revelation 14:9-12
o   Lesson: The mark of the beast represents a decisive test of loyalty to God, calling for endurance and faithfulness amidst persecution and deception.


Discussion Questions:
1.    How does the emergence of the second beast from the earth differ from the first beast from the sea?
o    Answer: The first beast rises from the sea, symbolizing a populated area with diverse peoples and nations, whereas the second beast comes from the earth, indicating a sparsely populated region. This geographical distinction helps identify the second beast as the United States, which rose to prominence in a less densely populated area compared to the historical empires represented by the first beast.

2.    What is the significance of the second beast having two horns like a lamb but speaking like a dragon?
o    Answer: The two horns like a lamb represent the United States’ foundational values of political and religious liberty, devoid of monarchic rule. However, speaking like a dragon indicates a shift towards coercive power and religious oppression, mirroring the first beast's authority. This duality highlights the potential for a nation to abandon its principles, leading to enforced worship and loss of freedoms.

3.    How might current political instability in the United States contribute to the fulfillment of the prophecy regarding the second beast?
o    Answer: Political instability could pave the way for significant changes in governance and policy, potentially leading to a union of church and state as prophesied. Such instability might be exploited to implement measures that enforce religious observance and allegiance to the first beast, fulfilling the prophecy. This emphasizes the importance of understanding prophetic warnings and maintaining steadfastness in faith amidst political turmoil.

4.    How does the image of the beast relate to historical instances of church-state union?
o   Answer: The image of the beast reflects past alliances where religious authorities wielded political power to enforce conformity, often resulting in persecution of dissenters.

5.    What strategies can we employ to resist economic coercion in the end times?
o   Answer: Building a strong faith community, trusting in God’s provision, and prioritizing spiritual over material needs can help withstand economic pressures.

6.    How can we ensure we receive God’s seal instead of the beast’s mark?
o   Answer: By keeping God’s commandments, especially the Sabbath, and cultivating a close relationship with Jesus, we align ourselves with God’s will, receiving His seal of protection.


Further Thought
Important Lessons:
1.    True Worship and Obedience to God:
o    Read: Daniel 3:1-30
o    Lesson: The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refusing to bow down to the golden image set up by King Nebuchadnezzar illustrates the importance of true worship and obedience to God over man-made decrees. This narrative parallels the end-time scenario where the faithful will refuse to worship the beast and its image, choosing loyalty to God even under threat of death.
2.    God’s Word as Our Only Safety:
o    Read: Romans 12:2
o    Lesson: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." True worship springs from a mind transformed by God’s Word. It is only by adhering to the teachings of the Bible that we can avoid the deceptions of the world and align ourselves with God's will.

3.    God Never Forces, but Satan Uses Compulsion:
o    Read: Revelation 13:16-17
o    Lesson: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Unlike God, who respects free will, Satan uses force and fear to coerce worship and allegiance. This coercion through economic sanctions and threats exemplifies Satan’s methods versus God’s invitation to voluntary worship.

4.    Fortifying the Mind with Biblical Truths:
o    Read: Ephesians 6:14-17
o    Lesson: "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Understanding and internalizing God's Word prepares us for the final conflict. Those who are deeply rooted in biblical truths will stand firm through the end-time deceptions and trials.

Discussion Questions:
1.    How can we live in the expectation of the coming of Christ and share that hope without becoming alarmists?
o    Answer: We can focus on the positive aspects of Christ's return, emphasizing hope, salvation, and the fulfillment of God's promises rather than dwelling on fear and doom. By living a life that reflects Christ's love and sharing our faith through acts of kindness and service, we provide a balanced and hopeful perspective. Encouraging others to study the Bible and understand prophecy can also foster a grounded and hopeful expectation of Christ's return.

2.    Dwell more on the question of worship. What does our daily life, our daily routine, tell us about who or what we worship?
o    Answer: Our priorities, how we spend our time, and the values we uphold in our daily routines reflect our true object of worship. If we prioritize time with God through prayer, Bible study, and service to others, it shows that our worship is directed towards God. Conversely, if material pursuits, entertainment, or self-interest dominate our lives, it may indicate misplaced worship. Reflecting on our daily actions helps us realign our lives with God’s will.

3.    How can we help ourselves and others face the future with confidence and not with fear?
o    Answer: By fostering a strong personal relationship with Jesus and a deep understanding of His promises, we can build a foundation of trust and confidence in God's plan. Sharing testimonies of faith, studying biblical prophecies, and participating in supportive faith communities can help reinforce this trust. Additionally, focusing on the assurance of God's presence and provision, regardless of circumstances, can alleviate fear and instill hope.

For comments and suggestions you may write at the comments section below or you may write Sulad Jhun Cardeinte at acardeinte@aiias.edu

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Comments: 19
  • #1

    Foxey Mangupea (Friday, 14 June 2024 17:41)

    � for more updates

  • #2

    Josephine (Friday, 14 June 2024 21:06)

    Would like to be updated every week

  • #3

    Zeny Mozo (Friday, 14 June 2024 22:27)

    Yes , I would like the lessons weekly

  • #4

    Mosito Rapapa (Friday, 14 June 2024 22:50)

    Yes, I would like the weekly lessons

  • #5

    Daniel Kiago (Friday, 14 June 2024 23:24)

    Thanks for the weekly summary, God bless you.

  • #6

    Mwaka Christopher (Friday, 14 June 2024 23:39)

    I love the way the lesson is summarized. Makes more light may The God continue blessing the ministry

  • #7

    Never Sokisi (Friday, 14 June 2024 23:39)

    Very good lesson and quite informative

  • #8

    Arnold Banda (Friday, 14 June 2024 23:49)

    Continue sharing the key points of the lessons weekly, it helps to appreciate the grace of God upon us

  • #9

    Niwael Mburuja (Saturday, 15 June 2024 00:06)

    A Good Summary! Thank you.

  • #10

    Lynette (Saturday, 15 June 2024 00:22)

    Thank for sharing the lesson . It is highly appreciated �

  • #11

    Koang Duer Mut (Saturday, 15 June 2024 02:00)

    The impending conflict

  • #12

    Priscilla (Saturday, 15 June 2024 02:49)

    Thanks for the important lessons of every day's topic. Very explicit and well summarised .God bless you for the good work

  • #13

    James (Saturday, 15 June 2024 03:13)

    Great indeed so impressive actually am glad for the well update on the lessons

  • #14

    Wency Timothy (Saturday, 15 June 2024 04:02)

    To worship God as creator �

  • #15

    ������ � ������ (Saturday, 15 June 2024 04:06)

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  • #16

    Freeman Sunga (Saturday, 15 June 2024 04:28)

    if God is with us who can overcome us? no one. we shall stand with Jesus. nice lesson amen

  • #17

    Kipkirui Bore (Sunday, 16 June 2024 01:34)

    I have like the summary, update should be weekly

  • #18

    Nixon Chuuzya (Monday, 17 June 2024 11:21)

    Kindly update me on a weekly basis.

  • #19

    Collins mubanga (Tuesday, 18 June 2024 02:13)

    I have learned lot