
Lesson 12- Earth’s Closing Events

Read for This Week’s Study


John 8:32; Ezekiel 20:12; Ezekiel 20:20; Revelation 7:1-2; Revelation 14:1; Joel 2:21-24; Hosea 6:3; James 5:7-8; Revelation 18:1-4.



Memory Text:


“Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding” (Proverbs 23:23).


 Sabbath Afternoon

Important Points:

1.    Knowing the Truth Sets Us Free:

o   John 8:32: Jesus emphasized the liberating power of knowing the truth. In the context of end-time events, this truth includes understanding biblical prophecies and the nature of God’s law.


o   Ezekiel 20:12, 20: The Sabbath is presented as a sign of the covenant between God and His people, marking them as His own.


o   Embracing biblical truths prepares believers for the deceptions and trials of the final crisis.


2.    God’s Protective Seal:

o   Revelation 7:1-2; 14:1: God's seal is a mark of divine protection and ownership. It is given to those who remain faithful to His commandments, particularly the Sabbath.


o   This seal signifies allegiance to God and protects against the judgments that befall the unfaithful.


3.    The Final Call to Worship:

o   Revelation 18:1-4: God’s call to come out of Babylon represents a call to leave false systems of worship and embrace the truth.


o   This call is crucial in the final days as it delineates true worshipers from those who follow deception.


4.    The Promised Latter Rain:

o   Joel 2:21-24; Hosea 6:3; James 5:7-8: The latter rain symbolizes a final outpouring of the Holy Spirit to empower God’s people for the end-time harvest.


o   This spiritual revival prepares believers to proclaim the gospel with power and stand firm in the last days.


5.    Urgency of Preparation:

o   “A storm is coming, relentless in its fury. Are we prepared to meet it?” Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 315: The urgency of preparing for a relentless storm signifies the intense trials and persecutions that will come.


o   Spiritual readiness through a close relationship with Christ is essential.


Discussion Questions and Answers:

1.    What does John 8:32 teach us about the importance of truth in the context of end-time events?


o   Answer: John 8:32 teaches that knowing the truth sets us free. In the context of end-time events, this means understanding biblical prophecies and God's law to discern deceptions and stand firm in faith.


2.    How does the Sabbath serve as a sign of God’s covenant with His people according to Ezekiel 20:12, 20?

o   Answer: The Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between God and His people, marking them as His own. It is a symbol of sanctification and recognition of God as the Creator, which becomes especially significant in the end times.


3.    What role does the latter rain play in preparing believers for the end times according to Joel 2:21-24 and James 5:7-8?


o   Answer: The latter rain symbolizes a final outpouring of the Holy Spirit to empower believers for the end-time harvest. It prepares them to proclaim the gospel with power and stand firm during the final crisis.



Loyalty to God and His Word

Important Points:

1.    Battle Between Truth and Error:

o   John 8:32; 17:17: Truth is foundational to spiritual freedom and sanctification. The Bible, as the ultimate source of truth, exposes errors and leads believers into righteousness.


o   The end times will feature a fierce battle between truth and deception, necessitating a solid grasp of Scripture.


2.    Prophetic Assurance:

o   2 Peter 1:16-21: Prophecy provides a reliable guide and assurance of God’s plans. The fulfillment of past prophecies reinforces our confidence in future events.


o   Believers are encouraged to study and trust prophetic insights for navigating the last days.


3.    Scripture as Our Safeguard:

o   Psalms 119:105, 130, 160: The Bible illuminates our path and provides wisdom. In the confusion of the end times, Scripture remains the steadfast guide.


o   Regular engagement with the Bible equips believers to discern and resist false teachings.


4.    End-time Deceptions:

o   John 8:44: Recognizing Satan as the originator of lies highlights the pervasive deceptions of the last days.


o   Understanding the nature of these deceptions helps believers stay true to God’s Word.


5.    Commitment to God’s Word:

o   In the decisive moments of history, unwavering commitment to God’s commandments and the faith of Jesus becomes crucial.


o   This commitment ensures spiritual protection and alignment with God’s will.



Discussion Questions and Answers:

1.    Why is the battle between truth and error so significant in the end times, as described in John 8:32 and 17:17?


o   Answer: The battle between truth and error is significant because knowing the truth of God's Word provides spiritual freedom and sanctification, essential for resisting end-time deceptions and remaining faithful to God.


2.    How does 2 Peter 1:16-21 assure us of the reliability of prophecy in guiding us through end-time events?

o   Answer: 2 Peter 1:16-21 assures us that prophecy is a reliable guide because it is based on eyewitness accounts and divine inspiration. This gives us confidence in understanding and trusting God’s plans for the future.


3.    What practical steps can believers take to safeguard themselves against end-time deceptions according to Psalms 119:105, 130, 160?

o   Answer: Practical steps include regularly engaging with the Bible, which illuminates our path, provides wisdom, and reveals God’s truth. This helps believers discern and resist false teachings and deceptions.




Sealed for Heaven


Important Points:


1.    Seal of God and Worship:


o   Revelation 14:12: God’s faithful followers are identified by their observance of His commandments and faith in Jesus.


o   The seal of God involves recognizing His authority and adhering to His prescribed worship.

o   Three elements of an authentic seal: (1) the name to whom the seal belongs, “the Lord thy God;” (2) His title, the One who “made”—the Creator; (3) and His territory, “heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is.” A seal is sometimes called a sign in the Bible (Romans 4:11). The two words are interchangeable. As God’s sign or seal in the heart of God’s law, the Sabbath is at the center of the final conflict over worship



2.    Sabbath as a Sign:


o   Exodus 20:8-11: The Sabbath commandment contains the essential elements of God’s seal, marking it as a sign of creation and redemption.


o   Observing the Sabbath is a declaration of loyalty to God as the Creator.


3.    Forehead and Hand:


o   Revelation 7:1-2; 14:1; 13:16-17: The seal on the forehead represents a conscious acceptance of God’s truth, while the mark of the beast on the forehead or hand signifies allegiance to falsehood, either willingly or under coercion.


o   This distinction underscores the importance of deliberate choice in worship.


4.    Commandments of God and Faith of Jesus:


o   Revelation 12:17: The end-time conflict centers on obedience to God’s commandments and maintaining faith in Jesus.


o   True worshipers are characterized by their adherence to God’s law and their testimony of Jesus.





5.     Day-by-Day Faithfulness:


o   Consistent daily commitment to God prepares believers for the final crisis, ensuring their spiritual readiness and resilience.


o   This involves regular prayer, study, and living out biblical principles.




Discussion Questions and Answers:

1.    What is the significance of the seal of God as described in Revelation 14:12 and 7:1-2?


o   Answer: The seal of God signifies His ownership and protection over His faithful followers who keep His commandments and have faith in Jesus. It marks them as belonging to God and is a sign of their loyalty.


2.    How does observing the Sabbath relate to receiving the seal of God as indicated in Exodus 20:8-11?


o   Answer: Observing the Sabbath is a declaration of loyalty to God as the Creator. It contains essential elements of God’s seal and serves as a sign of the covenant between God and His people, marking them as His own.


3.    What is the difference between the seal of God and the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:16-17?

o   Answer: The seal of God is a sign of allegiance to God and adherence to His commandments, particularly the Sabbath. In contrast, the mark of the beast represents allegiance to false worship systems and is imposed by coercion or deception.




Whom Do We Worship?

Important Points:


1.    Worship in the Last Days:

o   Revelation 14:7; 14:12: The final call to worship the Creator emphasizes the importance of the Sabbath as a memorial of creation.


o   True worship involves acknowledging God’s sovereignty through Sabbath observance.


2.    Creation as the Basis of Worship:

o   Revelation 4:11; Ephesians 3:9: Worship is rooted in recognizing God as the Creator, and the Sabbath is a weekly reminder of His creative power.


o   This acknowledgment is crucial in distinguishing true worship from counterfeit worship.


3.    Counterfeit Worship:

o   Daniel 7:25: Satan’s attempt to change God’s law, including the Sabbath, represents the central issue in the end-time conflict.


o   Recognizing and rejecting counterfeit worship is essential for remaining faithful to God.


4.    Economic Penalties and Threats:

o   Revelation 13:13-17: Refusing the mark of the beast may result in economic hardships and persecution.


o   Despite these threats, faithfulness to God’s commandments must remain unwavering.


5.    Guarding Our Hearts:

o   John 2:25: Jesus’ awareness of human nature calls for vigilance in guarding our hearts against deception and compromise.


o   This vigilance involves constant prayer, study, and reliance on the Holy Spirit.



Discussion Questions and Answers:

1.    Why is the Sabbath considered a crucial test of faith in the last days according to Revelation 14:7 and 14:12?


o   Answer: The Sabbath is a crucial test because it emphasizes worshiping the Creator, distinguishing true worshipers who adhere to God's commandments from those who follow counterfeit worship systems.


2.    How does Daniel 7:25 highlight the significance of the Sabbath in the end-time conflict?

o   Answer: Daniel 7:25 highlights the attempt to change God’s law, including the Sabbath. This attempt represents the central issue in the end-time conflict, making the Sabbath a crucial point of loyalty and true worship.


3.    What challenges might believers face in upholding the Sabbath during the end times as described in Revelation 13:13-17?

o   Answer: Believers might face economic hardships, persecution, and coercion to conform to false worship systems. Despite these challenges, they must remain faithful to God’s commandments, including the Sabbath.


The Early and Latter Rain

Important Points:

1.    Outpouring of the Holy Spirit:

o   Acts 2:1-4; 2:41-47: The early rain at Pentecost empowered the early church for rapid growth and effective witnessing.


o   The latter rain will similarly empower end-time believers for the final proclamation of the gospel.


2.    Impact of the Holy Spirit:

o   Acts 4:4; 6:7: The early church experienced exponential growth through the Holy Spirit’s power.


o   This historical impact foreshadows the even greater work of the Holy Spirit in the end times.


3.    Gospel Proclamation:

o   Acts 8:4; 17:6: The disciples, led by the Spirit, spread the gospel widely, transforming communities and turning the world upside down.


o   The latter rain will facilitate a global proclamation of the gospel, leading to a great harvest of souls.


4.    Early and Latter Rain:

o   Joel 2:21-24; Hosea 6:3; James 5:7-8: The analogy of early and latter rain illustrates the preparatory and final empowering work of the Holy Spirit.


o   The latter rain prepares the world for the final harvest before Christ’s return.


5.    Completion of God’s Work:

o   Zechariah 4:6; 10:1: God’s work is accomplished not by human might, but by the Spirit’s power.


o   The outpouring of the Holy Spirit will complete the gospel work, readying the world for Jesus’ second coming.


Discussion Questions and Answers:

1.    What was the impact of the early rain at Pentecost as described in Acts 2:1-4 and 2:41-47?

o   Answer: The early rain at Pentecost empowered the early church for rapid growth and effective witnessing. It led to a significant number of conversions and the formation of a strong, united community of believers.


2.    How does the experience of the early church in Acts 4:4 and 6:7 foreshadow the work of the Holy Spirit in the end times?


o   Answer: The early church’s experience of exponential growth through the Holy Spirit’s power foreshadows an even greater outpouring during the latter rain, which will empower end-time believers for a global proclamation of the gospel.


3.    What does Joel 2:21-24 and James 5:7-8 teach us about the purpose and timing of the latter rain?


o   Answer: These passages teach that the latter rain is the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit to prepare the world for the final harvest. It will occur in the end times, empowering believers for the ultimate spread of the gospel before Christ’s return.




Thursday: The Loud Cry


1.    The Nature of the Loud Cry:


  • Read: Revelation 18:1-4; Habakkuk 2:14; Matthew 24:14
  •  The Loud Cry is the final proclamation of God's truth to the world before Christ's return. It involves a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit, leading to a rapid spread of the gospel globally. Revelation 18:1-4 depicts angelic messengers proclaiming Babylon's fall, urging people to come out of spiritual confusion. Habakkuk 2:14 foretells that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. Matthew 24:14 emphasizes that the gospel will be preached as a witness to all nations before the end comes.


2.    Authority and Power in the Message:


  • Read: Matthew 10:1; Matthew 28:18-20
  • Jesus empowers His disciples with authority over spiritual forces (Matthew 10:1). This authority extends to proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). The proclamation of the Loud Cry will be backed by divine authority, leading to signs, wonders, and conversions.


3.    Role of Human Messengers:


  • Read: “Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will be given. Miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and signs and wonders will follow the believers.”—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 611, 612.
  • Human messengers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, will play a crucial role in the Loud Cry. They will shine with holy consecration, proclaiming the message of heaven with urgency and conviction. This worldwide proclamation will echo the apostolic zeal and impact of the early church (Colossians 1:23).


4.    Miracles and Signs:


  • Miracles, healings, and signs will accompany the proclamation of the Loud Cry. These supernatural manifestations will attest to the truth of the gospel, drawing people to God and confirming His power. This parallels the early church’s ministry, where miracles affirmed the apostles’ message (Acts 2:43; Acts 5:12).


5.    Unprecedented Outpouring of the Holy Spirit:


  • The latter rain represents an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days. This outpouring will empower believers for global evangelism and prepare a people for Christ’s soon return. It signifies God’s final call of mercy to the world before the culmination of earthly events (Joel 2:28-29).


Discussion Questions with Answers:


1.    How do the prophecies in Revelation 18:1-4 and Matthew 24:14 describe the global impact of the Loud Cry? What implications do these passages hold for our role in sharing the gospel today?


Answer: Revelation 18:1-4 depicts angelic messengers proclaiming the fall of Babylon with great authority, urging people to come out of spiritual confusion and embrace God’s truth. Matthew 24:14 states that the gospel will be preached as a witness to all nations before the end comes. These passages indicate that the Loud Cry will have a profound global impact, reaching every corner of the earth with the message of God’s final call to repentance and salvation.


For us today, these prophecies underscore the urgency and importance of sharing the gospel universally. We are called to actively participate in God’s mission to proclaim His truth and prepare people for the soon return of Jesus. Our role is to be faithful messengers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, boldly proclaiming the gospel and living lives that reflect the truth we preach.


2.    According to Matthew 10:1 and Matthew 28:18-20, what does it mean for believers to have authority in Christ? How can we prepare ourselves to effectively proclaim the gospel with this authority?


Answer: In Matthew 10:1, Jesus gives His disciples authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and sickness. This authority signifies the power and legitimacy given by Christ Himself to carry out His mission on earth. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus affirms that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him, and He commissions His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations.


Believers having authority in Christ means that we operate under His divine power and commission. To effectively proclaim the gospel with this authority, we must first deepen our relationship with Christ through prayer, study of His Word, and surrender to His will. We should seek the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit to equip us for bold and effective witness. Additionally, living a life of obedience and integrity strengthens our witness and credibility as ambassadors of Christ.


3.    Ellen G. White describes human messengers with faces "shining with holy consecration" in The Great Controversy, p. 611. What practical steps can individuals take to cultivate such consecration and readiness for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives today?


Answer: Cultivating holy consecration involves a daily commitment to spiritual disciplines and a surrendered heart to God’s leading. Practical steps to achieve this include:


o   Regular Prayer and Bible Study: Developing a deep, personal relationship with God through consistent prayer and studying His Word.


o   Total Surrender: Yielding every area of our lives to the control of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to purify and empower us.


o   Lifestyle of Holiness: Practicing righteousness, love, and humility in our daily interactions, reflecting Christ’s character to others.


o   Service and Witness: Actively engaging in mission and evangelism, sharing God’s love and truth with others in practical ways.


o   Community and Accountability: Surrounding ourselves with fellow believers for support, encouragement, and accountability in our spiritual journey.


By actively pursuing these steps, we prepare ourselves to be vessels of the Holy Spirit, shining with holy consecration as we proclaim the message of God’s love and truth to a world in need of His saving grace.


Friday: Further Thought

Important Points:

1.    Ellen G. White’s Quotes:

o   “All who refuse compliance [in observing the false sabbath] will be visited with civil penalties, and it will finally be declared that they are deserving of death. On the other hand, the law of God enjoining the Creator’s rest day demands obedience and threatens wrath against all who transgress its precepts.”—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 604.


o   “As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the third angel’s message, but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth, abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition. By uniting with the world and partaking of its spirit, they have come to view matters in nearly the same light; and when the test is brought, they are prepared to choose the easy, popular side. Men of talent and pleasing address, who once rejoiced in the truth, employ their powers to deceive and mislead souls. They become the most bitter enemies of their former brethren. When Sabbathkeepers are brought before the courts to answer for their faith, these apostates are the most efficient agents of Satan to misrepresent and accuse them, and by false reports and insinuations to stir up the rulers against them.”—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 608.: The need for watchfulness and prayerfulness in preparing for the final events is emphasized.


2.    Understanding the Great Controversy:

o   Understanding the great controversy between Christ and Satan helps believers comprehend the nature of the end-time conflict.


o   Unwavering faith and trust in God are essential for navigating the final events.


3.    Preparation for the End:

o   Strengthening one’s relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and witnessing is vital.


o   Remaining faithful to God’s commandments and the faith of Jesus ensures readiness for Christ’s return.


Discussion Questions and Answers:

1.    Why is understanding the great controversy between Christ and Satan crucial for end-time preparation?


o   Answer: Understanding the great controversy helps believers comprehend the nature of the end-time conflict, recognizing the spiritual battle between good and evil. This knowledge reinforces the need for unwavering faith and trust in God.


2.    What are some practical ways believers can strengthen their relationship with God to be ready for the final events?


o   Answer: Practical ways include regular prayer, Bible study, witnessing, and living out biblical principles. Strengthening one’s relationship with God ensures spiritual readiness and resilience in the face of end-time challenges.


3.    What does 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8 and 1 Peter 4:7 teach about living soberly and watchfully in anticipation of Christ’s return?


o   Answer: These passages emphasize the importance of living soberly, watching, and praying. They highlight the need for spiritual alertness and readiness, ensuring that believers are spiritually awake and prepared for Christ’s return.


4.    What practical steps can believers take to ensure they are ready for Christ’s return as illustrated in Matthew 24:42-44 and 25:1-13?


o   Answer: Practical steps include living in a state of watchfulness, maintaining a close relationship with God through prayer and Bible study, and being spiritually prepared for Christ’s return at any moment.



5.    How do the signs of the times described in Matthew 24:3-14 and 2 Timothy 3:1-5 help believers stay alert and focused?


o   Answer: Recognizing the signs of the times helps believers stay alert and focused on their spiritual preparation. These signs serve as warnings and motivators to remain vigilant and steadfast in faith.



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Write a comment

Comments: 26
  • #1

    Mary Jane (Wednesday, 19 June 2024 18:44)

    I want more discussion

  • #2

    Paul Junior (Wednesday, 19 June 2024 19:47)

    I will be patient till the end of this world and faithful in God's presency

  • #3

    Enock (Wednesday, 19 June 2024 23:08)

    God bless you

  • #4

    Joel Winau (Wednesday, 19 June 2024 23:46)

    Please,I need it so send it for me 74933433 my contact

  • #5

    CHAN HOTH (Thursday, 20 June 2024 01:55)

    I know this is a end time that prophecies is coming so i wait till jesus appear together his angels.

  • #6

    Anyanda Patrick (Thursday, 20 June 2024 02:35)

    I would be glad to see Yeshua our Lord, Saviour and King.

  • #7

    Elvie Andres (Thursday, 20 June 2024 04:50)

    Amen. Thanks for the wonderful message about the quarterly Lesson.

  • #8

    Nwachuku s c (Thursday, 20 June 2024 14:14)

    This week's lesson is crucial to all Adventist

  • #9

    Michelle Hurley (Thursday, 20 June 2024 19:33)

    Praise God for giving each one of His children the tools needed to be ready for the end times

  • #10

    Raphael MATHEW (Saturday, 22 June 2024 08:56 (Friday, 21 June 2024 17:58)

    God is Incredible God, Who is more worthy and holy I will be patiently and peaceful follow his bible instructions and waited for his soon return.

  • #11

    Vui Eroni (Friday, 21 June 2024 18:01)

    Amen Glory to God

  • #12

    Samuel Thoronka (Friday, 21 June 2024 19:35)

    Thanks for the message I pray God will help me to continue to obey his words.

  • #13

    Banda Mwandu (Friday, 21 June 2024 20:03)

    May God increase our faith in him alone and teach us his ways so that we stand still in this final crisis

  • #14

    Elvie Andres (Friday, 21 June 2024 21:00)

    Thank you for this lesson. I'm bless.

  • #15

    Awekonimungu Laurence (Friday, 21 June 2024 21:22)

    Thanks for the message

  • #16

    Filberto arkangelo (Friday, 21 June 2024 21:44)

    Am really very happy

  • #17

    Roseann (Friday, 21 June 2024 22:43)

    Thanks for the lesson.

  • #18

    Nganai stephen (Friday, 21 June 2024 22:48)

    Thanks,hv be blessed

  • #19

    James ohuru (Friday, 21 June 2024 23:16)

    Be blessed

  • #20

    Gift chisakashi (Friday, 21 June 2024 23:48)

    It's so good and encouraging may God continue to bless

  • #21

    O'Mara Denis (Saturday, 22 June 2024 00:25)

    Very interesting messages that will help during this end times Amen. May the Lord bless all hands that contributed towards the delivery of this messages Amen

  • #22

    NAKANYIKE OLIVER (Saturday, 22 June 2024 01:21)

    Interesting and glory be to the ALMIGHTY GOD..... Amen

  • #23

    Lakii SAMSON (Saturday, 22 June 2024 03:26)

    Thanks for the lesson
    Need lesson in each quater

  • #24

    Christopher Nyam (Saturday, 22 June 2024 08:32)

    The LORD bless you more and more for your elaborate digestion of the lesson

  • #25

    Christopher Nyam (Saturday, 22 June 2024 08:35)

    I will really appreciate if the lesson is sent to my email on weekly basis to assist me in preparation for the Sabbath. My email address is christophernyam73@gmail.com thank you and God bless you

  • #26

    Kepa Wenege (Saturday, 22 June 2024 22:37)

    I'm very interested and Blessed. Amen �.