Lesson 6- Inside Out

Read for This Week’s Study
Mark 7:1-37; Isaiah 29:13; Exodus 20:12; Mark 8:11-21.

‘There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man’ ” (Mark 7:15).

1.    True Defilement: "There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man" (Mark 7:15).
NOTE: Monday’s lesson will explain this that Mark 7:15 is not about unclean meat, Jesus addresses the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem and questioned Him about His disciples not following the traditional ceremonial washing of hands before eating. This context is essential to understanding the statement, "There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man."
2.    Jesus Rejects Tradition: "For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men" (Mark 7:8).
3.    Faith Over Tradition: Jesus valued faith and internal purity over external rituals (Mark 7:9).
4.    Healing and Faith: Miracles alone are insufficient; faith and understanding are crucial (Mark 7:33-35).
5.    Symbolism of Bread: Jesus used bread as a symbol of teachings and traditions, emphasizing their spiritual significance (Mark 8:15).
Discussion Questions
1.    What does Jesus’ teaching in Mark 7:15 reveal about the nature of true defilement?
o    True defilement comes from within, from evil thoughts and actions, not from external factors.
2.    How does Jesus’ rejection of tradition challenge our current religious practices?
o    It encourages us to evaluate whether our traditions align with God's commandments or if they have become empty rituals.
3.    What lesson can we learn from Jesus’ encounter with the Syrophoenician woman?
o    Persistent faith, even from those considered outsiders, is recognized and rewarded by Jesus.

1.    Religious Traditions Questioned: "Why do Your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?" (Mark 7:5).
2.    Ceremonial Purity Laws: The Pharisees and scribes adhered strictly to ceremonial purity laws, including the washing of hands before meals, which was not just about hygiene but a ritual purification process.
3.    Traditional vs. Divine Commands: Jesus contrasts human traditions with God's commandments. The Pharisees emphasized human traditions like ceremonial washing, which were added to the Mosaic Law over time, rather than focusing on the moral and ethical teachings of God.
4.    Inner Purity vs. External Rituals: Jesus emphasizes that true defilement comes from within a person—from their thoughts, attitudes, and actions—rather than from failing to observe external rituals like washing hands.
5.    Condemnation of Hypocrisy: "This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me" (Mark 7:6).
6.    Prioritizing Commandments Over Traditions: "For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’" (Mark 7:10).
7.    Critique of Corban: Jesus criticized the tradition of Corban, which allowed people to neglect caring for their parents (Mark 7:11-13).
8.    Heart Over Rituals: Jesus emphasized the importance of a pure heart over ritual cleanliness (Mark 7:15).
Discussion Questions
1.    Why did Jesus criticize the Pharisees’ focus on tradition over commandments?
o    He highlighted that they were neglecting the weightier matters of the law, such as justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
2.    How can we ensure our traditions do not conflict with God’s commands?
o    By continually evaluating our practices in light of Scripture and prioritizing God’s commandments.
3.    What does Jesus’ teaching about Corban reveal about religious hypocrisy?
o    It shows that religious practices can sometimes be used to justify neglecting genuine responsibilities, like caring for parents.

1.    Inner Purity: "There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him" (Mark 7:15).
2.    Invalidating Food Laws: Jesus refuted the Pharisees' tradition of touch contamination (Mark 7:19).
3.    Broader Teaching on Purity: Jesus is not addressing dietary laws here (like those in Leviticus 11 about clean and unclean meats) but is specifically speaking against the notion that failing to perform ritualistic handwashing could spiritually defile someone.
4.    Source of Defilement: In verses following Mark 7:15, Jesus elaborates that evil thoughts, immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly—all originating from within a person—are what defile them.
5.    Heart of the Law: Jesus' teaching encompasses the spirit of the Ten Commandments (Mark 7:22-23).
6.    Focus on the Heart: True defilement comes from the heart, not external factors (Mark 7:23).
Discussion Questions
1.    What did Jesus mean by saying, "What comes out of a man, that defiles him"?
o    Jesus emphasized that moral and spiritual defilement originates from within, from one's thoughts and intentions.
2.    How does Jesus’ teaching challenge the traditional understanding of purity?
o    It shifts the focus from external rituals to internal moral and spiritual cleanliness.
3.    What practical steps can we take to guard our hearts against defilement?
o    By immersing ourselves in God's Word, praying, and constantly examining our thoughts and motives.

1.    Faith of the Syrophoenician Woman: Despite being a Gentile, her faith in Jesus led to her daughter’s healing (Mark 7:24-30).
2.    Jesus’ Harsh Response: Jesus initially responded harshly to test her faith and humility (Mark 7:27).
3.    Persistence in Faith: The woman’s persistence and understanding of Jesus' mission were commendable (Mark 7:28).
4.    Inclusiveness of the Gospel: Jesus’ healing of a Gentile woman’s daughter illustrates the inclusiveness of His mission (Mark 7:29).
5.    Humility and Faith: The woman’s humility and faith were pivotal in receiving Jesus' blessing (Mark 7:30).
Discussion Questions
1.    Why did Jesus initially respond harshly to the Syrophoenician woman?
o    To test her faith and to teach a lesson about humility and persistence in faith.
2.    What does the woman’s response to Jesus teach us about faith?
o    It shows the importance of humility, persistence, and recognizing our need for Jesus.
3.    How can we apply the lessons from this story in our interactions with others?
o    By showing humility, persistence in faith, and recognizing the inclusiveness of Jesus’ love and mission.

1.    Healing of the Deaf Man: Jesus healed a man who was deaf and had difficulty speaking (Mark 7:31-37).
2.    Jesus’ Compassion: Jesus took the man aside privately, showing His compassion and personal care (Mark 7:33).
3.    Curious Healing Methods: Jesus used physical touch and gestures in the healing process (Mark 7:33-34).
4.    Miraculous Healing: The man’s hearing and speech were restored, demonstrating Jesus' divine power (Mark 7:35).
5.    Jesus’ Sigh: Jesus’ sigh indicated His empathy and sorrow over human suffering and disbelief (Mark 7:34).
Discussion Questions
1.    Why did Jesus take the deaf man aside privately before healing him?
o    To show personal care and to avoid public spectacle, focusing on the individual’s need.
2.    What significance do Jesus’ actions (touching the ears and tongue) have in the healing process?
o    They demonstrated His personal connection and the power of His touch in the healing process.
3.    How can we apply Jesus’ example of compassion and care in our ministry to others?
o    By taking time to understand individual needs and offering personal, compassionate care.

1.    Pharisees’ Demand for a Sign: The Pharisees demanded a sign from heaven, which disappointed Jesus (Mark 8:11).
2.    Warning Against Leaven: Jesus warned His disciples about the leaven (teachings) of the Pharisees and Herod (Mark 8:15).
3.    Misunderstanding of Disciples: The disciples misunderstood Jesus’ warning and thought it was about literal bread (Mark 8:16).
4.    Jesus’ Disappointment: Jesus expressed disappointment over the disciples' lack of understanding (Mark 8:17-18).
5.    Recollection of Miracles: Jesus reminded the disciples of the miracles of feeding the 5,000 and 4,000, emphasizing His provision (Mark 8:19-21).
Discussion Questions
1.    Why did Jesus refuse to give the Pharisees a sign from heaven?
o    Because their hearts were hardened, and even miracles would not convince them of His divinity.
2.    What does Jesus’ warning about the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod teach us?
o    It teaches us to be cautious of false teachings and to stay true to the Word of God.
3.    How can we avoid the spiritual lethargy that Jesus warned the disciples about?
o    By continually seeking understanding, staying vigilant in faith, and remembering God’s past provisions.

1.    Self-Exaltation: Self-exaltation and the desire for human approval can lead to substituting human traditions for divine precepts (Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 409).
2.    Sincerity in Religion: The religion of Christ is marked by sincerity and zeal for God’s glory, not self (John 12:28).
3.    Work of the Holy Spirit: Only the Holy Spirit can implant the motive of zeal for God’s glory and banish self-seeking and hypocrisy (1 John 2:3, 6).
4.    True Faith: True faith destroys selfishness and pretense, seeking God’s glory (1 John 2:3, 6).
5.    Following Christ’s Example: We are commanded to walk as Jesus walked, seeking to glorify God in all we do (1 John 2:3, 6).
Discussion Questions
1.    What Christian practices have you found that help to keep the heart clean?
o    Prayer, Bible study, worship, and community service help keep the heart focused on God and clean from sin.
2.    How do the principles from this week's lesson challenge us to live out our faith more authentically?
o    By focusing on inner purity and aligning our actions with God's commandments rather than mere traditions.
3.    What steps can we take to ensure our religious practices are truly God-centered and not just human traditions?
o    Regularly evaluate our practices through prayer and Scripture, and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Lafayette kerkula (Monday, 05 August 2024 20:56)

    I love the teacher edition, especially the questions and answers section. I used it to teach my sabbath school class

  • #2

    Shelamie Santillan (Monday, 05 August 2024 21:17)

    Thank you so much for your hardwork and dedication in making our Sabbath School lesson review meaningful, interesting and relevant. We always look forward every week of your summary. God bless you always in your endeavor. Great is your reward in heaven!